(Photo by Marco Luzzani/Getty Images)

Eder was interviewed by Inter Channel after the game and had the following things to say:

“After the derby, that ended with a result that wasn’t fair, because we had played better than Milan until the penalty that changed it all, today we had to win. In Italian football there are no easy games, these are the ones that are very hard and we suffered until the end even though we created a lot of chances. We created man good chances and it’s normal to suffer, but the performance was positive. Playing at the wings and helping the team in the defense is something I like, the goals are important but when you work a lot for the team and the results come, that’s more important than scoring. I’m here for less than a week but the guys have welcomed me very well, just as the club. I’m happy, from the first day they’ve made me feel at home and I’m happy.”

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