Becali on Chivu’s transfer to Galatasaray: “Right now it depends on UEFA”

Regarding Christian Chivu’s future, there is still no agreement made, neither with Galatasaray or Inter. For several days the player has been waiting for an official offer from the Turkish side, but the situation is still in a standstill. In an interview with a Romanian radio station Chivu’s agent Victor Becali tries to explain the situation:

“Regarding Chivu there is still no solution. Galatasaray is waiting for UEFA to decide on whether the team will be allowed to play in the Champions League or not. (The gambling scandal in Turkey may have implications that affects Galatasarays participation in European cups. Ed.) Right now it depends on UEFA, not us or the Turks. We have a month to make a decicion, but Inter should have something to say within a week. “
