Inter still interested in Arsenal’s Sagna

Arsenal’s French full-back, Bacary Sagna, whose contract expires in June 2013 was rumored as early as this last summer to interest Branca & co. Now when the player has started to approach a comeback from suffering from a fractured leg, it seems that he may find it very difficult to stake a place in the Gunners starting line as the Frenchman’s replacement, 20-year-old Carl Jenkinson, has performed his first-team duties with flying colors. According to many rumors in both England and Italy are flourishing that Inter are looking to sign the right-footed fullback on a free transfer, perhaps already in January, but the player himself takes it all in stride: “My only thought is to be ready and help the team and be able to give 100% just like I always have. When you suffer from a serious injury as I have suffered everything becomes immediately much more difficult. initially, I was somewhat sad but the very next day I was ready to take on this challenge, to come back stronger than ever”, Sagna concludes.