Mudingayi: “I feel stronger than ever”

Every day that passes, Gaby Mudingayi feels more and more like an important part of Inter. This after his arrival at Inter was received with doubt and even some irony, but the tough Belgian has changed all this. In an interview with a Belgian magazine he talksa about how the perception of him has changed drastically:

“Before, everyone was wondering what I was doing at Inter, nowadays the comments are generally positive. I feel stronger than ever, playing with greater calm. There is big competition on my position but I am definitely fighting for something more than the bench.”

Mudingayi makes no secret of his dream of once again wearing the Belgian shirt:
“I am sad that I am no longer there, but with the talent that we have I understand coach Wilmot’s selections. But if they need me, I will be there, I will. I am always the Red Devils biggest supporter, I have a lot of friends there.”
