Sneijder banned from Twitter – by Inter

Yolanthe Cabau, Wesley Sneijder’s wife, tweets that Inter have banned the dutchman from using twitter: “My husband can’t use twitter anymore, it’s the clubs choice. I’m sorry because he always gives everything for the team with all his heart. If this was about him not being allowed to write about his personal life I would have understood. But they said that he is not allowed to support or even comment the team. I think it’s strange.”

Inter’s reason behind this move seems to be that the club has certain rules regarding the players use of twitter. The only player who hasn’t followed these rules is Sneijder who tweeted things which were contrary to the rules. Inter have warned Sneijder on several occasions but he continued to ignore them as well as repeatedly breaching the rules which has finally led the club to banning the ducthman from Twitter altogether.
