Tonight Inter have an golden opportunity. If they beat Parma they are only -1 behind league leaders Juventus who lost last night against Milan at San Siro. It won’t be easy though because this game is also important for I Ducali who need point to distans themselves from the bottom-half. Ze Maria has played for both clubs and TuttoMercatoWebhas interviewed him just for this game.

What memories do you have form this game?

“I remember my first year at Parma. We went to Milan and it was one of the very first games for Ronaldo at Inter. He was incredible and scored from a free-kick. The amazing thing with that was that at this time he didn’t usualy take the free-kicks and guarding our goal was Buffon.”

What are your expectation for tonights game?

“It will be a very tough game for Inter who really need three point to keep up with Juventus. Though  Parma needs points to stay away from the bottom-half of the standings.

Who will be the protagonists tonight?

“At Inter I must say Guarin, who I admire very much, but also Palacio is a player who makes the difference out on the pitch. Parma has found their rhythm and can really put Inters defence in difficulties.”

How much will Parma miss Pabon?

“Very much. He has really done well and Parma needs a player like him, but Donadoni has done a good job with rotating the squad, so who ever comes on instead will do a great job. Parma has players like Valdes and Marchionni who are always a threat to their opponents, but there’s also Biabiany who uses his pace to hurt his defenders.”

How will Sneijder be handled?

“It’s a difficult situation, I saw the interview with Branca. You have to adapt to the economic situation and that’s why already many players have left. It’s possible that he leaves in January, which would sadden me bacuse that would be another world-class player who leave our league. With the new formation he doesn’t get the same space on the field that he is used to, which could be a motive for him to leave. He doesn’t have a precise role anymore but he has to adjust to what the coach says.”

And finally, which team will you support tonight?

“This is the only game I can’t support neither of the teams because I have spent two years at both clubs. They are both clubs that are very close to my heart and I was very happy both at Inter and Parma. To support one of the teams tonight wouldn’t be fair to the other team.”
