Catania director Gasparin: “This is how things stand regarding Inter & Lodi”

Our colleagues at Fcinternews interviewed earlier today Catania Sporting Director Sergio Gasparin to bring some clarity over the situation regarding a possible transfer to Inter for the 28-year old deep-lying playmaker who only a few months back extended his contract with the Sicilian outfit until the end of June 2016.

Gasparin, is there a possibility that Lodi could leave in January?

“It’s a hypothesis that I would like to categorically deny. To us Francesco is a fundamental pillar, we know that a player like him attracts interest from several clubs but we will keep him close to us.”

Has there been any sort of contact with Inter?

“It’s a rumour that lacks any foundation in the truth. Inter have never asked us for Lodi, which I must admit I find surprising. This alleged approach has been inventen entirely by the media.”