Zanetti: “My professional destiny is already decided and it will be with Inter”

Returning to Argentina is nothing Javier Zanetti sees in his future, his life is in Italy and especially with Inter. In an interview that has translated, he talks about his future that, when he decides to end his career as a professional footballer, still will be with Inter: “I’ve spent half my life in Italy and the sense of belonging with Inter is something that now exists within me. Returning to Argentina? I return constantly to Argentina, but for holidays or issues regarding Fondacion Pupi, because now I have my life in Italy. I know that when I finish, I will continue working for Inter as director, everything is basically decided. I return constantly to Argentina, but my life is in Italy.”

Zanetti does not deny that there are security reasons as the basis for his decision: “Yes., It’s not that nothing happens in Italy, but confrontation does not occur. I’m not unaffected by what happens in Argentina, I always live in the midst of my people, with the foundation and I can not allow myself to turn around. My family supports me totally and fully in this. My children have grown up here, Inter have given me everything both professionally and personally speaking. I will always return to my country, but my future will be in Italy, my wife and I have spent a life here and my professional destiny is already decided and it will be with Inter. I have always enjoyed it all these years and I want to continue like this.’

In Talleres a game called Partido de Los Estrellas will be played today, a charity that will feature some of the best talent emerging from the Argentine clubs youth section: “Going back to Talleres for me, is to return to my roots. It is a club that has given me so much, it’s where I grew up and it’s where I met my wife. Now the club must get help and we need to be there, anyone can do it from home, but the fans here have an opportunity to revisit the team where I and German (Denis, another sponsor of the event ed.) played as children. In Argentina, it is a difficult situation and football clubs are no exception, even though I live in Italy, I know what the situation is like. We must act.”
