Stramaccioni furious: “Enough already! It’s a penalty and a red card!”

It was a truly annoyed and disappointed Andrea Stramaccioni who spoke to Italian Sky after todays 3-0 defeat away to Udinese: “Generally I think we produced a good performance in the first half, to stand and comment a result like this here and now is very difficult becuase the result doesn’t reflect the run of play. Up until the sending-off we played well, I won’t say until the first goal because we had enough energy and strength to come back. Of course, today we weren’t lucky with the referee’s decisions because the sitaution with Palacio in the first half should have changed the game since we should have got a penalty and a red card should have been shown. We got 4 yellow cards in the first half, also other decisions that were taken went against us. It’s strange because Domizzi gets Palacio out of balance when Palacio cuts in front of him. I don’t udnerstand it, but ok, the referee saw it in this way, we will have to be patient. If I’m suspicious? No, no, we still believe that everything happens with good faith but there are some rather unfortunate decisions which have been made recently. I absolutely don’t think that anyhing malicious is going on. Maybe it would have been better to blow the whistle for offside, that would have been better. Udinese played their game. During the first half Allan should have received a yellow card and then he would have found it difficult in teh second half. For 65 minutes we got to see a good Inter, then 2-0 and 3-0 but this doesn’t change how I view things.”

Then Stramaccioni continued to discuss the individual performances of his players: “After this match I can’t ait to get back out on the pitch, I believe in my boys, of course it’s only normal that the team can be improved. This is a difficult moment we’re going through, we’re very unlucky in one way or another…Guarin was good, he played good, he dribbles with ease. He works as alink between the midfield and the attack, he does it really well and with his style of play he put Allan in all sorts of difficulties. We had 3 occasions in front of the goalkeeper today, Jonathan who much like Livaja missed an absolute sitter and then Udinese have a champion with the name of Toto Di Natale.”

Finally he made a few comments on the lack of depth in the squad available to him: “”We miss several players, on the bench today I had only 3 players who had previously ever played in the Serie A with Rocchi, Mariga and Silvestre, Sneijder? We miss him but we also miss the other 8 thar aren’t available such as Milito, Obi, Mudingayi and several others.”