Gazzetta dello sport: Inter beat competition from Juve and Fiorentina to get Benassi

Gazzetta dello sport write today about Marco Benassis arrival at Inter from Modena:

“Inter were told about Benassi from Ciccio Romano, the man who was the architect behind the first scudetto of Maradonas Napoli. Benassi came to Inter even though there was tough competition from Juve and Fiorentina thanks to the good relationship to the sporting director of Modena, Fausto Pari. Piero Ausilio whent through the sporting director education at Coverciano together with Pari and Pari was Marco Brancas teammate at Sampdoria 90/91 and this is why Inter got the talent. A good move and the future will tell if it was a great move..”
