Yesterday evening, Gianluca Di Marzio on Sky, revealed how the situation looks for Inter in the transfer market: “For Paulinho, the 15 million believed to have been required a few months ago, is no longer enough. Now the price has skyrocketed. Instead, the latest idea is Montpellier’s Belhanda, a player that Inter has followed in recent months. He has already, in big secrecy, been to Pinetina during the last months. His agents currently have reestablished contact with Inter. He costs 12 million. According to the plans, however, Inter would like to postpone the deal for the upcoming summer.”

Di Marzio also warns for possible sales: “Southampton could raise its bid to 12 million in the coming hours as the former coach of Espanyol, Pocchettino, wants him. This figure could get Inter to waver.”
