Marco Benassi is in no doubt about the best moment of his career so far: “My league debut against Pescara, when my team-mates came over to me at the end. What an unforgettable experience! I phoned my parents in the morning, straight after the coach told me I was going to play, but I asked them not to tell anyone. I was so happy. The San Siro is the best stadium in there is!”
The 18-year-old from Modena – who doesn’t have a driving licence yet (“I’m taking my test in a few days, here’s hoping…”) – was all smiles as he spoke to Roberto Scarpini, host of Prima Serata, last night.
“It’s a great honour to wear the Inter shirt but I need to keep my feet on the ground: this is only the start, I’ve still got a long way to go. I need to progress, improve and work really hard. My team-mates help me a lot, they tell me what I’m doing wrong, and I’m glad they do. When you play with older, more experienced players you need to find a way to compete at the same level. I always try to give my all and improve. But, as I’ve said, I’ve got to work very hard to maintain it. I’m still delighted when I go and play in the Primavera. Who else do I think from the Primavera is ready for the first team? Pasa and Garritano, they’re both really good.” Benassi took a moment to back his close friend, and indeed flatmate, Simone Pasa. And Benassi will join Garritano and Pasa in the Under 19 squad, after the three were called up by coach Alberigo Evani for the friendly in Bari on 6 February: “The national team is everyone’s dream. I’m delighted whenever I get called up.”
Destined to be a footballer. That’s how Marco Benassi felt and that’s why, from a young age, he did everything in his power to convince his parents to let him play football: “I had to fight my mother,” he tells Prima Serata. “She had me try every sport there is apart from football, she didn’t want me to, she was scared. Volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, she made me try everything. Then, in the end, I convinced her to let me play football, I was 7 and I’ve not stopped playing since. I supported Modena as a kid, I used to go and watch them. Then I played for them, but before that I started with Polisportiva Gino Pini. To think I play for Inter now…”
An Inter side where, when he’s had his chance, he’s managed to show what he can do. Now, after the January transfer window, new players have joined and he acknowledges that, “there’s more competition for places, but that’s a good thing. I’m just thinking about working hard.”
“We need to find consistency. The cups, the league, we’re still involved on all fronts. We just need to become more consistent. And we’ll do that with the coach. He studies every last detail, he has always done. It was the same in the Primavera.”
Among the many fans that have written to Benassi, one asks him to comment on new signing Mateo Kovacic, who trained for the first time earlier: “He’s a great player given his age.”
From football to fashion. Benassi styles his hair in an unmistakable quiff, which the fans have now taken to liking. At least that’s what it appears, looking at the messages sent to the midfielder. “I tell the hairdresser to keep it a bit long, and to cut the sides… I like it. Will I cut it off if we win the league? We’ll see!”