Simoni praises Zanetti: “He’s an icon for the sport, a unique athlete”

The former Inter coach Gigi Simoni is already looking forward to Javier Zanetti’s return: “He will definitely return, we will see him on the pitch as soon as possible. He is a fighter, a model professional. He has qualities out of the ordinary, he is an example to follow for those who are close to a sport like football. During my 55 years long career, I have never seen anyone like him. He has so much passion and so much desire, he is always the last to leave the pitch. When I coached Inter, I had two ‘phenomenon’: one was Ronaldo and the other was just Zanetti. He has a crazy strength, an exceptional physique. Additionally, he has a great charisma and personality. He is world class in every respect, on the pitch and off of it. He will surprise us again, he is still young at heart despite his ID card, he will still give a lot to Inter. He’s an icon for the world of sport, a unique athlete. It was a privilege to work with him every day: he can convey great values​​. He loves football and he lives for it during all hours. The league is about to end, but I’m sure that Zanetti will be ready when the new season starts.”
