Zanetti: “I was very struck by the warmth of the fans”

“Inter have to restart to once again play a leading role and be back among the top. And far as I know, president Moratti will do everything he can to make it happen. There are many youngsters, many players, who have shown they can lend a hand. We need to use them as the starting point.” Before returning home, Javier Zanetti spoke about the team’s future at a press conference organised at the Policlinico San Matteo.

Regarding the possibility of flanking Andrea Stramaccioni on the bench during the period in which the captain will be grounded: “No, we haven’t spoken about that. Only about my recovery. At any rate, I’ll be close to my team. Will we continue with Stramaccioni? I’m not the one to decide. I believe the coach will tackle this final stretch of the season in the best way possible with the players he has available, which unfortunately are few. And I think president Moratti, if he has spoken with him, has calmly discussed many times what the future will be. Did I distance myself from Stramaccioni when I said the decision is up to the president? I have a lot of respect for the coach, and most of all I have a lot of respect for my club. These are issues that have nothing to do with me at this moment. I can say that we’ve supported the coach from the day he arrived at the first team, and we’ll always support him.”

Leonardo also stopped by to visit Javier Zanetti: “It made me very happy to see Leo after such a long time. We’re talking about a great man and a great person who is very intelligent. I think he’d do well in any team. But most of all Leo and I are great friends; he was my coach and the friendship has remained. We had a long chat, and as I said before we’re talking about a very intelligent man with a big heart. I was really happy to see him again. Will I see him again soon? I hope so.”

Regarding the team’s objectives: “We hope to qualify for the Europa League. Should it not happen then I hope to be part of a highly competitive team that will go back and battle, because winning is never easy.”

On rehabilitation: “Now I have to go three weeks without putting weight on my foot, then three more with a brace, then start walking slowly and from there begin with the rehabilitation work. I’ll be here a long time, and then I’ll go to Argentina. And when the team is ready for pre-season training I’ll be there too to get down to work. When will I be back in Pinetina? Maybe I’ll stop by now or Saturday. However, it will be soon because I want to see my team-mates again.”

Javier continued: “I was very struck by the warmth of the fans. Especially since many of them weren’t Nerazzurri supporters. During my career I’ve always tried to be respectful to everyone, and now this show of support bears witness to that. I want to come back because I feel I have the strength. I believe there’s always something positive you can take from something negative. I’ve always tried to restart immediately, and that will be the case now too. Messages from the Vatican? Yes, I’ve received some.”

Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis sent a message to Zanetti via twitter, assuring him that he’d be in good hands with Dr. Benazzo in Pavia: “I saw his message and as I already said, I thank everyone at the Policlinico in Pavia, because they treated me very well.”

On his injured team-mates: “Each one has his problems, but we’re all giving 100% to try and return as soon as possible.”

Arrigo Sacchi stated that, with his characteristics, Javier Zanetti would be able to play another two years: “He’s someone with a lot of experience, and so I hope that’s the case.”

Antonio Cassano also stopped by the clinic: “I knew who it was as soon as he got to the hallway. He began yelling, but I was really happy to see him [laughing].” Regarding Zanetti’s children: “They came to see me yesterday and turned the place upside-down. I’ll spend more time with them over this period and they’ll give me the strength to return as soon as possible.”
