Petkovic: “Rocchi returning? He is doing well here”

An important win for the Europea League spot for Petkovic’s Lazio. The biancocelesti took advantage of the periods with lack of concentration from the nerazzurri squad. The Lazio coach was very well aware of this when coming out to the press conference with a smile on his lips. Here is what he said:

“The team is getting better but we were a bit under our capacity, today Inter played well and we were saved by our goalkeeper in certain moments. We disputed this game, we were cynical, we knew that Inter was in a bad place and we took advantage of it.”

FcInternews asks Petkovic about Rocchis performance and the chance of him returning to Lazio.

“He is a great player who has scored more than 100 goals. He is one of the best finishers and he did well. He had two or three opportunities (to score). Also his friend Marchetti saved it on the line. He has a contract with Inter and I am sure he can lend a hand to Inter.”

Regarding the game he says that “Results like these solidify the group”.

Source: fcinternews