
Draw against Genoa Inter. Andrea Stramaccioni answers like this on Sky Sport’s questions about the game: “Today I saw positive trends in our character., We showed that we were on track for a huge motivated team, we brought the game for a long while, we had a lot of possession and played good. When Cassano came in as we were also a little extra that made us dangerous the last 20 m of the plan, as it has been our Achilles heel in recent games because Rocchi has become too lonely.

Then he talks about Guarin: “Fredy is a fantastic player because he has both physical strength and a good technique. He has also become important in the locker room this year. As inner midfielder, he is the best, along with Kovacic and a third midfielder, we can build something good for the future. Fredy is best when he has two wingers with him, as in Porto and in the Colombian national team, or who we played last year. An inner center of world class in a 4-3-3 that can both defend and attack. He has the power to get past his opponent and create an advantage. Han is one of the players in our team who is most in demand at the transfer market, but we intend to keep him. ”

The discussion then focused on the formation: “For me it’s a pain to not be able to work with clear ideas about the formation, it has not progressed. The modern football is based on possession of the ball, quality, the ability to turn the game. I envisage four defenders and three midfielders who can play both high and low, then three players in front of them, two of which are based on edges and can challenge and get past his opponent and create dangers in front of goal. ”
But is it a regista or a filler player who needed to supplement the midfield?
“I think I have spoken enough on this issue., It is the balance that’s important, what is missing is obvious. Kovacic has quality, Guarin is strong enough to be a fourth striker and then work home and defend. You can probably figure out the rest themselves … ”

When asked about Cassano could leave the club: “Antonio has one year contract left with us, he has worked hard to make a comeback today and it showed. Talking about players’ future at the moment is wrong and is nothing to do, rather they in charge of mercaton, sports managers and the president.
We want to show that Inter have clear ideas, we have a good foundation in place for this season, and we have some investments that we’re working on. I have great confidence that we akn do even better us than we did at the beginning of this season. I will always give 101% for Inter