Materazzi on 2010: “The victory in the final was perhaps a surprise for some, but not for me”

When the former Inter defender Marco Materazzi, in an interview with Swiss Basler Zeitung, talked about the all-german Champions League final, he remembered 2010: “The victory in the final was perhaps a surprise for some, but not for me. We had reached the climax of an extraordinary season, no obstacle seemed too high. It was almost normal for us to win the Champions League after winning the league and Coppa Italia. then we had Jose Mourinho…”

Mourinho, a person Matrix has only good things to say about: “Those who speak ill of him do so because of envy. I liked his way of coaching, we worked a lot with the ball because he knows that this sport called football. Then he is person who is always looking for success, in addition to always being an honest person. Honesty is one of the most important values ​​in life so why should’nt it be that even in sports?”

Some newspapers have talked about Materazzi as a possible assistant to Mou: “Maybe, it would be a dream. Wanting that could be a goal. I would work with the number one. What could be better?”
