Mazzarri Salme

What are the first feelings you got from Inter? How are the players doing?

“I have had many private conversations as I’m used to having, but I still have a 4-5 player left to talk to. Before I talk to the group, I want to get to know the players individually. The conversations I’ve had have exceeded expectations, I got the feeling that I’m working with serious and professional players, who want to redeem themselves for last season. It’s a good foundation from which to start from as we will need motivation. Us coaches must give a tactical aspect to team, but we must also remember to keep the players motivated. When the players don’t find motivation, we have to go underground to find them. However, it’s not necessary in our case because everybody wants redemption.”

Do you recognize yourself in the image as an Iron General that has been drawn?

“I’ve been working with this for thirteen years and have never been asked that question. Nevertheless, it’s a part of journalism to say that. I’m myself. I want to be certain of what I say before I get out of balance. Accordingly, I find I rarely make mistakes. Players will give me everything, just as they have done in previous groups I have coached.”

How is your relationship with Lavezzi and Zuniga?

“I respect the roles as they are. About the mercato I’ll only talk with the club. I respect your job as journalists, just as I respect Ausilio, Branca and the president’s roles. They will, for example, never say anything about the presentation or the formation of the team. I’m here to talk about the technique and tactics, the other directors are here to talk about what the club has to do. I want to coach the best players, that’s normal. they will answer questions about the mercato and give you the best answers.”

Will a top player arrive?

“I’ve said it before, if one of those players arrive, I’m satisfied. But that doesn’t depend on me. A supporter asked me about the Scudetto yesterday, I replied that he should give me some time. It’s a matter of time, I want to get most out of this team. I don’t come with such statements yet, I don’t even want us to think about the other teams. I want to play positive football with a team that never gives up and has an identity. I promise you attitude, then we will see how far we can reach.”

The negotiations with Thohir, have you talked to the president?

“I repeat, everything that is for Inter’s well-being is welcome. The president thanks me for never asking for anything, I trust him. Now I want to get this team back to the maximum of its value.”

There’s been talk of important sales like Ranocchia and Guarin. Is there a risk that these players can break through somewhere else?

“If they are here it’s because I have to evaluate everything. Certain defenders had physical problems last season, but now they practice. On the pitch, I said that we must be alert to the physical situation of players to avoid last year’s injuries. This year we aren’t even playing in Trofeo TIM because I wanted to confirm the job on the pitch, tactical and technical issues. I’ve faced Inter as an opponent, now it’s a whole different thing.”

Can the Scudetto be a realistic goal?

“Even football must be evaluated, in terms of the mercato and other things. I want my team to have a clear identity and a  tactical idea in my head, which comes from their coach’s security because of his experience, because I’ve always achieved my goals. I think the players have confidence in me. I always think of the upcoming game, the one that’s worth three points. As time goes by, the clearer analysis we can do.”

Fcinternews then ask Mazzarri to answer those who think that he didn’t achieve sufficient results in Napoli:

“I spoke with my actions in Napoli. I came to a team that came in fourteenth place, they took 50 points. Then I came and with young players like Lavezzi and Hamsik we went to the Europa League, Champions League and then came even Cavani who became the player he’s with me. Had we compared the economy with the results, I think we’re talking about a major sporting achievement. Now, Benitez has come who can do better.”

There are shirts sold in Naples who accuse you of having chickened out, what do you have to say about that?

“I’ve already explained why I left Naples, now I focus on Inter.”

How long will it take before we see Mazzarri’s Inter?

“I can’t give you a time, I wouldn’t be credible then. Certain ideas can be seen directly, the beautiful game, forwards running at the right time and things like that will come later. I don’t know how long it will take, it also depends on how the squad answer, we can talk about that later.”

How is Chivu’s rehabilitation going?

“I’ve been watching him the last few days, he’s feeling good and wants to try to do it. He’s always done well so far, what happens tomorrow, I don’t know.”

According to Zanetti, you could be Inter’s top acquisition, what do you say about that?

“It’s the actions that speak. Then everybode will see what they want. The important thing is that my players see it as Zanetti. Coaches who know the players well are the ones who work hard on the pitch and it makes me very proud to hear Zanetti say certain things.”

Can Tevez make a big difference for the championship?

“He’s a great player, last year, Balotelli arrived who is another great player. The championship needs key players, but also a team, at this moment I’ve only focused on Inter. I told Cavani that he was a great player too, but it was the team that helped him. He scored more goals per game in Napoli, than with the national team.”

Zuniga is the player who grew most with you, wouldn’t it hurt to see him at Juventus?

“When he came from Siena, he was booed because people didn’t think he was worth Napoli, now he’s instead a great player.”

How, and when will Laxalt and Duncan be evaluated?

“I will talk to Ausilio in the coming days and see what we’ll do.”

What do you expect from Icardi and Belfodil? Can they be compared with Cavani?

“The potential is there, and Inter have invested heavily in them. Then, it’s my job to get them to raise their quality and manage the pressure that comes when playing for Inter. I will talk to them and ask everybody to have the patience needed with the youth to make them grow, then we’ll see if there is a possibility that they will be top players.”

You played with a defense of three at practice today, is it the first tactical indication for the team?

“I’ll work with different formations, today we worked on 3-5-1-1, but we’ll also work on 3-4-2-1 and other setups that I didn’t want to give anyone any advantages. I’ve played with 4-3-3 to avoid becoming a victim of countermoves that unlocks our playing systems. In modern football there’s a lot of scouting and you have to be prepared to change during the game.”

You were in Dimaro with Napoli, what do you think of Pinzolo?

“Nice, very nice. The pitch is the Serie A standard, everything is taken care of in every detail. The fact that you also have supporters close is important.”

Is the squad complete?

“I’m not talking about the mercato. I have 22 players and there are positions to cover. We can get even better. However, we would need another winger. After I’ve evaluated all the players I’ll be able to say what we can improve or not.”

Kovacic is a defensive playmaker or more a like Hamsik?

“It’s a player that I’ve seen from a distance, but I won’t play with him where I tested him this morning. He must play higher on the pitch to make the most of his qualities. He needs to score, shoot and make deep runs . He’s already shown his qualities.”

What do you think about Nagatomo?

“I haven’t had time to see him on the pitch, we only had time to greet but he’s a player I like very much. I will train him and evaluate his qualities, just as I will do with all the others.”


The article is translated by Danny Hansen and Siavoush Fallahi. Did you like it? Like and share to help us spread the page, to translate these kind of articles takes a very long time.