In today’s Gazzetta dello Sport, a long interview with Inter’s new coach Walter Mazzarri was published in which he talks about Inter but also answers questions about his views on football, his past in Napoli and much more.

How do you explain your reception, which you defines as “crazy”?

“It’s hard to explain, even for me. People probably understand what I have done, because sometimes you are more appreciated from the outside.”

Lippi said you’re like a striker who scores 30 goals, but that the real challenge that awaits you is to create a winning team…

“I thank him for the compliment and I take it as a good omen.”

Speaking of Lippi, other people from Tuscany just like you, Orrico and Tardelli, haven’t had any luck at Inter. Is it yet another challenge to overcome?

“When I came to Livorno they said that everyone from Livorno had failed. With me Livorno returned to Serie A after 55 years, and therefore I hope to turn even this bad luck.”

How do you rate the first part of training camp?

“I don’t like rating, but instead thinking of how we work. From the availability of the players to the people’s enthusiasm, so far it has been a 10”

What do you need to improve?

“We still have to work a lot on tactics, game speed and automation.”

When will we be able to see Mazzarri’s Inter?

“I hope from the beginning of the season, but maybe it will take a few more weeks, maybe in October.”

Aren’t you afraid that today’s enthusiasm may be counter-productive for the distance?

“No, because people know which possibilities we have. I want to emphasize an important word: rebuilding. As we work to rebuild.”

Has Moratti asked for at least a third place?

“I tell the truth: he didn’t ask me for anything”

But you would sign for a third place?

“I don’t sign for anything on principle.”

Are you worried about Thohir’s possible arrival?

“I have a contract with Inter and I trust Moratti. For me he is a guarantee and I know that he will always act for Inter’s best.”

Considering how you act, it seems you’ve always been an Interista, don’t say you’ve been that since childhood…

“I’m not lying. As a child, I cheered for Fiorentina and Antognoni. But during my growing up, I have cheered on my own team.”

And who did you like in Inter?

“Corso for his left foot, Mazzola for his class and then I admired Facchetti’s great elegance.”

We leave comparisons with the past, what will be required to return to being a winning team?

“I hope as little time as possible is needed, but I don’t fool people and look at the facts. To begin with, there are several teams that have something more than we have.Juve have won the championship, Napoli finished second, Milan third and Fiorentina in fourth place, have strengthened the team very much. But we’ll give them all a game, that must be clear.”

Thus, an Inter ready to pass by?

“An Inter with dreams of getting past, you could say that.”

Benitez, on the other hand, told the Gazzetta dello Sport that Inter must aim for the Scudetto from day one…

“It makes me smile because it’s a very original claim because none of the experts said such a thing.”

Benitez added that the president didn’t ask him to win.

“Honestly, I have read all this and its opposite. If Napoli today still is a long term project, what was it then when I took over the team in the bottom of the table and then took it to two Champions Leagues? They say that I can’t even pronounce the word ‘Scudetto’. The truth is that I have always avoided these claims, not to protect myself but to protect the team. I’m used to getting the team to grow and cultivate aspirations through the working culture and because of that Napoli today are respected and admired by all. Not to mention the financial benefits. Today a coach is also responsible for the club’s technical and financial resources and if Napoli has 124.5 million to spend, it must mean that those who have trained Lavezzi, Cavani and his teammates also have improved them.”

De Laurentiis said in an interview with Il Mattino that now all players will participate unlike before when, other than the 11-14 players who went out on the pitch, was left on the side.

“With me, everyone played in the league and in the Europa League. I remember Vargas scored his only hat-trick as a starting player in the cup. I have always been careful to maintain contact with those who were outside and those who were in Castelvolturno know that. I was accused of not using the youngsters, but Insigne played constantly during his first year in Serie A and is today a mature player.”

How will it feel to watch Napoli in the Champions League?

“The fans, the players and Napoli remain in my heart and I will cheer for Napoli in the Champions League. If anyone has forgotten the four years in a month, there is nothing I can do.”

Will you focus more on the Coppa Italia now that you won’t be playing in the Champions League?

“We will be the first to play in the Coppa Italia on August 18 and since we don’t have the Champions League, we will even more so focus on Coppa Italia. I have won it by defeating Juve so I know what it means. But Inter also know, as the victory in the Coppa Italia a few years ago made it a winning team again.”

Is there any player until now that have struck you in particular?

“Just saying one name is not nice and I say it’s the example that the experienced players are setting, because according to me they are not old, they are extraordinary. When you look at how players like Chivu, Samuel, Cambiasso and Milito train you understand why they have won everything. And to show the spirit that prevails in the team, they all feel Zanetti’s presence even though he’s not here but will join us in the USA first.”

If we ignore the spirit, isn’t there a risk of focusing on players who are no longer young?

“I look at the pitch, not the ID. Whoever runs and feels good is playing. But Inter have the right mix of young and not so young.”

A defense with three or five players?

“It could be three, four or five. There are many ways to defend and attack. There are other things that are important: the organization and respect for the roles, on and off the pitch. Even punctuality is important to me.”

Last year, the defense was the most criticized part of the team. What position can Ranocchia have with you?

“He can play on the right, even though I see him more as a central defender. These are the first days of testing, and with him I evaluate all defenders: Campagnaro, Juan Jesus, Samuel, Chivu and Andreolli.”

How is work progressing in midfield and attack, withóut Isla?

“I’m not talking about the transfer market. Those who are here, I am satisfied with. I have asked Kovacic to be closer to the goal, Guarin can develop further, Alvarez does well, Milito recovers, Belfodil and Icardi promise much. But I’ll wait to make definitive evaluations.”

Are you inspired by Barcelona when you scream “low ball quickly” during training sessions?

“The Spanish football is the one I like the most, but then I try to put my own spin on it.”

If your Inter one day would be called “Provincial”, would you be as upset as Stramaccioni?

“I’m just saying that you should never give me labels, but I don’t want any controversy and I don’t talk about colleagues.”

Not even Allegri from Livorno who you will meet in the derby?

“I respect everyone and in return I ask for respect. If I have to mention a colleague’s name, the only one is Ulivieri, the first one who guided me in this profession when I started as an assistant in Bologna.”

How did it end with Cassano?

“I wish him well and a great championship. After my public statement, I have nothing to add.”

Besides joking, what annoys you?

“I don’t like to be seen as complaining, only those who don’t know me say that. If anything, I protest when I feel I have been wronged, but that’s another matter. Either way I don’t seem to be the only one.”

Finally: after Inter, are you also considering an experience abroad?

“I don’t rule it out, but first I want to win with Inter.”
