Longo: “If my future’s at Inter it would be good, but I’m dreaming of the Premier League”

In an interview with Gazzetta dello Sport Samuele Longo talked about his new adventure with Hellas Verona and also a lot about Inter: “I know that other teams knocked on Inter’s door for me, but I’m really glad I went there (Hellas red.)

Was it your favorite destination because it is close to your home town, because there’s two senior players in front of you and thus easier to get space or was there some other reason?

“None of these. There was no particular reason. I have a feeling that the team and the club works for me and I always follow my instincts. It is true that I am from that area (born in Valdobbiadene ed.), But it wasn’t a prerogative for me. I enjoy being at home, just like everyone else, but I’m not a mama’s boy as evidenced by my experience at Espanyol.”

A season abroad in your twenties. An evaluation?

“In general, I liked it a lot. It is an experience I would do again. A different culture, a different mentality, less stress. When it comes to work, I was more satisfied with the first part of the season because I played more then.”

You also met your girlfriend in Spain. What happens now?

“Nothing, she works there. So we get together now and then.”

Sacrifices just to play. Is it true that you didn’t want to stay at Inter?

“They knew that I, like Bardi, preferred to leave to play elsewhere. Then what happens in the future, who knows. If it’s Inter it would be good, but I would like to have another experience abroad. I’m dreaming of England. The Premier League attracts me very much and I think I have the qualities suitable for that kind of football.”

Meanwhile, the season of truth awaits. The first year in Serie A in a leading role, and also in the U21 national team. Do you feel the pressure?

“No, the responsibility is not weighing on me. I hope to be one of the leaders in both the club and the national team, but I know that the team comes first, not the individual. I was disappointed not to go along to the Euros in Israel with Mangia. But I wasn’t particularly sure of being called and sooner or later I had to operate the shoulder. Now the problem is solved and I have a great desire to play in the next European Championship.”

You are only 21, but will be one of the veterans of the U21 national team. Are you ready to take the younger players under your wing?

“Yes, I, Bardi and the others who are left from the previous team will need to give a helping hand to the new arrivals. After the first match in Slovakia, I can say that it’s a good group, already united. It is a good beginning for the morale.”

Di Biagio values a lot of playing time in the league. You will need to work to get that in Verona.

“I hope to get as much space as possible. The U21 national team is a good showcase. Hopefully the way to look at young players have changed. In the Euros, we showed how good we are. As long as players like Higuain or Tevez arrives, there is nothing to say. It’s better for our league. But it often happens that we are better than the foreign players arriving. We just need to get the confidence from the coaches.”

Source: fcinternews.it