Statistics Atalanta-Inter: Inter has won more games. Atalanta chasing their 100th goal against Inter


Inter has won 21 games in Bergamo against Atalanta, who has managed to beat “La Beneamata” 13 times. An impressive fact is that Inter has scored in every game in Bergamo against Atalanta on the last 15 occasions, the last time Inter didn’t score against Atalanta was 1991-1992 when the team lost with 1-0. Inter hasn’t won in Bergamo against Atalanta since 2008 when Vieira and Balotelli(first goal in the Serie A) won the game for Inter during Mancini’s last season. The home team Atalanta are chasing their 100th goal against Inter in all competitions. They have scored 57 goals in Bergamo and 42 goals in Milan against Inter and tomorrow they could reach their 100th goal against the nerazzurri from Milano.
