Carol Skonto, agent for Genoa’s Juraj Kucka, was interviewed by and answered questions regarding the rumors of a move to Inter: “We have to wait a few games and see what happens before we talk about a move. Then, eventually, if an offer arrives, we’ll see.”

In other words, there is a possibility that he leaves?

“It depends on what kind of offers that arrive. At the moment there is nothing concrete. We hope something will arrive and if the club is interested we will also act at that time.”

But are we talking about next season or even during the January transfer window?

“We are also prepared to negotiate a move in January.”

But have there been any contacts with other clubs?

“To Genoa there hasn’t arrived any offer yet. Then, which usually happens in football, there are conversations.”

Are we talking only about Italian clubs or foreign clubs as well?

“Even English and German clubs.”
