Even today’s edition of TuttoSport raises the name of Juraj Kucka for the Inter’s midfield. According to the Turin based newspaper, the Nerazzurri have already done a survey with Genoa to understand their desire to sell him, although it will be difficult in January. The liquidity available to spend depends on the offers that could be received for Kuzmanovic. “If the Serbian were to leave – the paper states – then watch out for Kucka, considered a viable alternative to Nainggolan. The Belgian is a concrete goal for June, however, only if Juventus fails to take him from Cagliari in January. Thohir will make an attempt with Cellino but if the president wants to cash in immediately Inter will have a problem. Kucka could be a solution to an immediate issue (vice Cambiasso), then in June, it will be interesting to know the future of Mudingayi and who knows, maybe even Guarin. ”

Source: Tuttosport