Mazzarri: “I have received a text from Lavezzi, We’ll see there will be any reinforcements, Cassano ..”

After the match against Trapani in the Coppa Italia, It’s time for a Serie A game once again. There is a will to do well again after the match against Sampdoria, now when Parma comes to San Siro. Walter Mazzarri held earlier today a press-conference  ahead of the match against  “Gialloblu”.

Are there any dangers lurking in the  game against Parma?

“There are many, because they are a very good team and have made some great results and they have strong individuals that plays good football. It’s a game that you have to be fully prepared for, otherwise it will get very difficult.”

Are you still angry that you lost valuable points towards ‘easier teams’?

“There are no easy matches, but I am disappointed that we haven’t collected more points in view of the performances we have made. But there are several explanations for that, we must become more mature so we can keep a lead. But that’s a part of the growing  process that we are currently working on, The team are playing in a certain way, and sometimes we play good football and have the organization which is necessary, we are doing good things to be in the construction phase and now we have to work on other things in order to keep on develop as a team . ”

Do you prefer Rolando in front Ranocchia?

“Even I have to make evaluations. But I’m happy, I only had three guarantees in the defense, when Rolando arrived I got one more, and as a coach that creates some difficulties. I’m choosing the team that I think will give me the best results on the pitch, it’s not just in the defense, it’s in every position. ”

Will Lavezzi leave PSG? have you heard from him?

“Lavezzi sent a message to me a while ago, and we talked because we have a very good relationship. As you know we have a history together in Napoli, He worked hard for three years and he got the opportunity to move to a big European club. He is a fantastic player and a good guy. ”

Is there a crises in the offense?

“I will not speak about the transfer market. A team that plays in a european cup need four strikers. Right now we Palacio and Belfodil available, but also Alvarez and Guarin are offensive players., We have an offensive squad, with many offensive players, but we could never know that we would have two strikers injured,  perhaps we could have predict Milito’s. ”

How are Nagatomo?

“He has to try, even if he hasn’t been training with rest of the team, There is game tomorrow evening… He will do a test today and we will do what we can so he can play, he’s very important to me. he might start on the bench, but it’s important for a player to play.”

Campagnaro may miss the game against Napoli if he will get a yellow card, will he play tomorrow?

“When Campagnaro began this year, he played extremely well and everything kept on rolling and after Hugo pulled his injury, he has become a different player. We lost a security in the defense when those who have played a little less started to play, but we have begun to recreate the security we had in the beginning, but Campagnaro might play tomorrow if it increases our performance. If he will be suspended against Napoli, there is always them which played well against Udinese and Verona. ”

Have you explained to the club that you need another striker?

“I definitely have flaws, but I am consistent, part of my success is that I talk to my players, I am also honest with journalists. We need to play the first half of the season and there are three top fixtures left, after that we can draw conclusions. We has done much since last summer and made ​​many different choices. There is time to assess the squad., it must be mixed with players that has their peak and they which have their future ahead of them. But it all depends on what the club wants, We can exploit the good qualities that Bonazzoli has given to his age, but like I said it depends on what the club has for goal. I did not want to start talking about the transfer market but this is good common sense.”

What do you expect to get out of Inter tomorrow?

“I want to win by playing well, so we can continue to grow in the future., We must do it well, and tomorrow I’d like to see that we can manage the game better than last time because in football you have to defend until the game is finished or try to score another and close the game. ”

This Inter who could not change, can you reach the third spot?

“Inter are a very prestigious club, we are at year zero and have started from the beginning, Inter had to do something immediately. Three years ago, the club won everything and that’s very difficult to repeat. But there is a different direction now, with many young and exciting talents, and a new improved organization, which are looking for players with good quality, but if you do it all in one year, it becomes extremely hard to achieve these goals. but I think we can win every game with this squad because I’m currently building the right mentality to do so, a striking example is Taider who comes from Bologna, he’s not a more different player than a one who comes from Real Madrid. ”

How do you see about the change between Cassano and Belfodil?

“I didn’t send anyone away from Inter. Everybody who wanted to stay here would be assessed based on the best for the team”

After the match against Sampdoria did you yell on Campagnaro and Mudingayi and the other more experienced?

“Anyone can make a mistake, from Zanetti to Kovacic, the discussion that the young and the more experienced are used to playing certain games depends only on mentality. Sampdoria came here with nothing to lose, and if you draw against Inter, Inter will be criticized. To have young people with great technique is not the most important thing, You have to have a personality that matches a big club’s mentality, The is a problem which i linked only to routine and values. ”

What do Inter mostly needs a” prima punta” or a “seconda punta”?

“You must understand that Milito and Icardi will return and it is them we needs the most., I’m not talking about the transfer window because there are three important games left that will help me to assess the squad. Icardi have not trained in a month and Milito has his history. I want them to return. I have said that I will not answer any questions about the transfer market now, we will know more in January. ” ask Mazzarri about how he will use Alvarez ..

“I am satisfied with his work, I know that Ricky can play well both behind the striker and in the midfield., He has made some important goals for us, but it was more important for him to let Guarin score. How I use my players depends on the opponents, and I know where they can play well. ” also ask Mazzarri whether he will greet Cassano or not ..

“I have no problems, you’ll have to ask him if he has any.”

Have you heard anything from Thohir this week?

“He was happy because I played a lot of young players in Coppa Italia, he watched the game on the Internet.”

Can Cassano make it difficult for Inter tomorrow?

“Cassano has played against me many times, when he’s on a good mood, he’s a amazing player and you have to be very careful because he’s very creative. But we are aware of it.”
