Ah for the love of God. You have got to be kidding me? Does anybody have a couple of potatoes? Maybe some vegetables or some spaghetti? Bring it all here. Shove it up every single opening to my body, force it inside me and I’ll cook it for you. Why, you ask?
Because I am boiling right now.

First and foremost, after a disastrous season with Stramaccioni, we’re suddenly back to the defense that fits perfectly together with the Benny Hill-soundtrack. Maybe it wasn’t Stramaccioni’s fault entirely. Maybe it’s not right to point fingers at anybody, but if I’m forced to blame somebody for the lack of quality in the defensive work, I got mine. Andrea Ranocchia. I could take all his mistakes when he came to the club, 23-years old. But by now, he should be grown up and adapted to Inter and not make these godforsaken, headless mistakes that hardly happens at the elementary school’s football pitch where I worked. My patience is up.

The absolute total mess up from Samir Handanovic also hurts to even write about, but it is another sort of failure. It’s complete and total lack of controll. Clumpsy, but not a tactical error which makes me feel that a thing like that could eventually happen to every world class-goalkeeper, but a defender like Ranocchia who time after time keeps missing out on marking, is a lot more devastating to the team.

To give some good sides to this game I must mention that I’m happy to see Kovacic play again with real pace and confidence and hopefully, he can keep playing this way for the rest of the season, then we might even get on the right track. It is also very nice to see Rodrigo Palacio scoring again. But, best on the pitch today is, without a doubt. Jonathan who performed really well both in attack and defense.