cambiasso salme

Inter’s Esteban Cambiasso was also present at yesterday’s sponsor dinner and talked to reporters.

An important night, but also an important moment in the league. What’s going on?

“These drawn results have not made us slip too far behind because the others are not going so strong. Now we have to start over again because the drawn results barely count. We have to start over, begin again and do well on Sunday because it is a direct meeting. In the latest round, we tried to gain points but did not succeed.”

Is it better or worse to face the big teams?

“These things you say after the games, what we know, we know after the games.”

Does the change of ownership share some of the blame?

“It’s not fair for us to judge this, if the president has done this it’s because he loves Inter, if that must be proven. We must continue to do ours, we did good things and now we have to react. Bewilderment? All these feelings are normal on a Sunday, already on Monday you’re hoping to return to winning again.”

What have you noticed in these three drawn games? Is there a general problem?

“The coach analyzes the matches individually, if we’d won maybe the coach would’ve made the same analysis. They’re analyzed individually and tomorrow we will go into detail and correct it and start over. Even against Parma, there were positive things such as the goals we scored. There are things to improve, we must make an effort to get better.”

Is there an advantage that Napoli plays a crucial match on Wednesday?

“I won a treble not too long ago, I can’t think that a team that plays during the week may have an advantage or disadvantage to anyone else because then I wouldn’t have remained stayed with Inter for ten years.”
