
Alessandro Capello didn’t score today but still made a substantial contribution so that Inter’s Primavera could reach the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia in front of Erick Thohir. In the mixed zone he was caught by our partner for a brief interview.

After winning such an important derby, how would you rate the game?

“It was definitely important to win today to go on and qualify for the semifinals. It was a good game and we managed to unlock their defense during extra time and we are happy.”

What is your favorite position? In the front or as support?

“For me it doesn’t matter, all my teammates up front are good so therefore I like to play anywhere.”

After this derby, the first won in Inter’s shirt, how would you rate the start of the season?

“The first derby was definitely emotional. I would say that we’ve started well and we hope to continue this far into 2014.”
