The derby that was supposed to be be: The tifo

The Milan derby was played without any tifo’s as you all know. Now the Curva Nord have put a story up on their webpage about the derby that was supposed to be and the tifo that the boys from “Covo” had prepared. The history was meant to charge the guys in the Curva to follow the instructions of the leaders and perform the tifo to perfection. Instead, the instructions were never dealt out and here is the story behind all the hard work:


Three long months. Cold, frost, snow, rain, a bit of sun, and then that god damned cold again. Kilometres and kilometres around Milano. Cutting, sewing, gluing, touch ups.
Then you have to drag all the stuff for thousands and thousands of metres. Spray, color, draw and drag.
Then everything goes on repeat and you have to wash the brushes in ice-cold water (that at some times in the night is so cold that it freezes before touching the ground), load on, load off, cut, glue, sew and repeat.
Everything at the same time as you feel the derby coming closer. Sometimes slow, sometimes quicker.
The emotions are growing, the heart is beating quicker and the body is filled with adrenaline. Just as always you understand that there isn’t a lot of time left until the derby, whilst you got a hell of a lot left to do, for the Tifo to become perfect.

Your back hurts, the muscles won’t hear you, your legs are shaking.
The days of work become less and less productive and are filled with moans, sighs and thoughts about the past nights, filled with our colors.
Paranoia, hallucinations and mind-tricks.
Clients and bosses at work become people who disturb you in the concentration to reach the target that has become vital 90 days before the derby.
Just before you think about the fact that your effort is only going to be seen for five minutes.
Five minutes, not fifty.
Five minutes where everything must work perfectly.
Where all the work, all the histories, all the adventures, mistakes, efforts and feelings are put together to nervousness that keeps you from breathing.
Will everything become as we wanted it to?
Will it all be perfect?
Will it be spectacular enough to be appreciated by the rest of the stadium?
Will it be worth all the work and all the love that has been put into it these months?
Will it be worthy of us?
Fear. Concern. Hope. Optimism.
Organization and preparation, the hours before the game.
Then you allow yourself a smile thinking about all the idiots who are talking about you, saying that the club is making the tifo, that you are payed, that… that… that.
You smile.
And feel proud for what pure passion has made you do. That you almost have left the real world, to create a framing for a football game.
For only five god damn minutes of goosebumps.
For five minutes of goosebumps where the 90 days of hard work are flying before your eyes, at the same time as 10000 people are moving synchronized to create a spectacle.
Your heart is beating, you have trouble to breath.

Sometimes you think about leaving the pens, because your body can’t take efforts like this.
Go to he…
You are feeling more alive inside.
And you are feeling more like a man than all the bankers out there sitting behind their desktops moving millions of euros from one bank to another.

Our backs have suffered more than ever boys. For everyone, for football.
We recommend you more than normally to follow the instructions for the tifo.

We are counting on you.

The Covo guys.


This was what was supposed to charge the Curva to perform the tifo perfectly and was in the fanzine for the game. Unfortunately, it didn’t become reality.