Pedullà: D’Ambrosio to sign until 2018-Botta in the deal?

Mercato expert Alfredo Pedullà writes on his website about the situation for Danilo D’Ambrosio:

“Inter puts their foot on the gas and accelerate towards D’Ambrosio. The latest 36 hours have been very important and maybe decisive. The contacts with Torino have been ongoing in these days. Though we have to wait until it becomes official because there is always a small chance that something happens. Some days could pass but we are very close to the first signing of the Thohir era. And it should be like this. Ruben Botta is used for the swap. 50% of the Argentinian trequartista and 1 million euros will go to Torino for D’Ambrosio because Torino aren’t interested in Mudingayi. D’Ambrosio is expected to sign a 4.5 year worth worth 1.3 million a season that will expire 2018.”
