Xavi Hernandes has criticized Mourinho earlier after the semifinal in the Champions League where Inter knocked Barcelona out in 2010. Now he is back in an interview to Panenka saying:

“Mourinho is a coach who only thinks about the result. He calls himself the special one and claims that he has won this and that in different countries, but I don’t like the way his teams play. Who remembers Inter winning the Champions League? No one.”

Source: Fcinternews.it

But is it really so? To remind Xavi we created the hashtag #RememberingwithXavi on Twitter where hundreds of Interisti and others have posted pictures, videos and photos from the CL-clash where Inter eliminated Barcelona before going to the final in Madrid at the Bernabeu Stadium. We’ll end with the famous words from Mourinho: “We have a dream to play the Champions League final. A dream is more pure than an obsession, for them it’s an obsession, for us it’s only a dream. My players would be proud to play in the Champions League final.” And an obsession it is.