Thohir: "We can't force a player to stay when he doesn't have all of his heart in the club

In the interview with Liputan6, Erick Thohir talked about Fredy Guarin and sent a message to the Colombian: “Guarin is a great player, I want more of him. We want to keep him, obviously, but the situation in Europe is different, it’s not the Indonesian league. Whenever there is a great offer from big clubs we can’t do anything other than take them into consideration. And above all, we can’t force a player to stay when he doesn’t have all of his heart in the club.”

Heavy words from the Inter president suggesting that Inter, given the economic situation, will find it difficult not to listen to offers for the former Porto midfielder if they are good. The end of Thohir’s comment suggests that the future of Guarin at Inter is very uncertain.
