The fact that Brazilian midfielder Fernando has renewed his contract with Porto has been known for quite some time. TuttoMercatoWeb reveal some interesting details contained within the new deal.

Amongst other things the contract has a buy-out clause which stipulates that the player may leave if an offer of 15 million Euro’s were to be tabled but that’s not all. The contract also stipulates that the sum should be divided as follows: where the player receives 5 million Euro’s, the club 5 million and the players agent 5 million.

AC Milan have long been rumored to be interested in the player, as well as Zenit St. Petersburg who’s interest in the player seems to have cooled down after the new contract was signed. The reason why the Brazilian was able to sign such an advantageous deal is attributed to the great relationship the player and his entourage has with Porto’s directors. That’s why Fernando chose to meed the clubs needs and stay at Porto, at least until June 1st.