BREAKING – FcInterNews: “Inter & Lazio working on a Floccari-Belfodil swap”’s Italian partners,, report that Inter and Lazio are working ona transfer which doesn’t involve Hernanes but Sergio Floccari, Ishak Belfodil and a sum of money.

The French-Algerian striker, who has been deemed surplus to requirements by Mazzarri, could be very useful to Edy Reja who is looking for a player who can tactically back-up Miroslav Klose up front. Meanwhile Floccari, who has been rumored to Sassuolo the past few days but has also attracted interest from Bologna and Sampdoria as well as QPR, is the type of striker that Mazzarri wants, now that the Vucinic deal has gone up in smoke. quotes a source with a deep insight into the negotiations which wishes to remain anonymous that the offer being discussed is not a straight swap deal, Lazio will pay Inter with Floccari, plus a sum of money which is yet to be decided on order to buy Inter’s share in Belfodil. In practice this means that Lazio will co-own Belfodil with Parma who continues to wait while the two clubs continue to discuss matters. More developments on this are expected to arrive either tonight or tomorrow.