Mazzola: “Far too easy to blame Branca and Fassone”

Interviewed by,  Inter legend Sandro Mazzola talked about the last days’ chaotic situation at Inter and the Guarin-Vucinic deal. Mazzola didn’t want to put all the blame on Inter’s directors:

“It’s obvious that Inter should have considered before if they thought that this swap could create problems, this is a situation that is not good for Inter’s image.”

Do you believe that Branca and Fassone will be held accountable for this situation?

“I don’t think they just flipped a coin. If they had done this operation it was because they had the consent from higher levels. It’s far too easy to blame those two.”

Are you worried about inaction at Inter?

“It remains to be seen. I don’t want to make any assessment. We will wait until January 31.”
