Mazzarri to IC: “A time during which we’re paying for everything”

Inter coach Walter Mazzarri answered questions from Inter Channel’s Nagaja Beccalossi right after the press conference ahead of tomorrow’s match.

How is the state of the team before the game against Catania?

“The guys are feeling very bad after the last games where the performance wasn’t missing. As I said, this is a time when we are paying for everything, but we will try to change course. We will try everything and maybe hope for some luck.”

Rubén Botta, can he be used against Catania from the first minute?

“I look at the training sessions. At Genoa I played with Alvarez and I think he deserves to be a starting player. The kid is back from an injury, and I’ve only seen him in training. Palacio, I think deserve to play at this time and then I want to let Milito rest. When it comes to the positions in the attack, you have to take into account who’s playing.”
