SportMediaset – Vucinic to Inter, Juve chasing Osvaldo

SportMediaset report on their homepage that inter are back in the race to sign Mirko Vucinic.

“The deal regarding the Montenegrin has been opened again with the arrival of Erick Thohir back in Italy and it could be concluded where Inter loan the player for 2 million Euro’s with a clause that forces Inter to buy the player in June for another 7 million Euro’s. With this cash injection Juventus directors are focusing on Osvaldo, who has been approached by Inter on several occasions. After the intrusion in the D’Ambrosio deal this is yet another snub at Inter from Juventus. All this comes after last week where the Vucinic – Guarin swap was abandonned. Osvaldo is keen on the destination as he wants to be able to play a part in the World Cup.”