Terzo Tempo – Nobody puts Baby in the corner

How in God’s name can we create 14 corners without creating a single chance out of either one of them? That’s the main question I ask myself after yet another slip up in the Serie A, this time against Catania. The only team in Serie A who’ve lost every single away game so far this season. Until today, round 21 and Catania manage to snatch a point from Inter at the Meazza.

Despite that I have to say that we did play better than in previous games, I do like the type of play with two strikers up top. We do create chances more than before. The only problem is that it’s rarely a clear chance, but rather half-chances that requires tremendous efforts from Rodrigo Palacio and Diego Milito if they are to score at that point. Not once during this game, as far as I noticed, the ball landed in front of our strikers. Always the scenario where Palacio and Milito receives the ball standing still, facing the opposite direction with a defender crawling over their backs. Much like Wesley Sneijder suffered during the first half of last season with Stramaccioni.

I believe it’s because of the lack of paste and lack of movement on the pitch. Far too many times I look at Inter and I see seven players standing frozen stiff on Catania’s half of the pitch. It is very hard to play good football when the whole team looks like their boots have been hammered down to the surface of the field.

On the brighter side I must say that I’m getting more and more fond of Saphir Taider who, in my opinion, rises to the occasion in every single game. Rarely makes a mistake, can hit a good pass and never drops the ball. Quite important for Inter at this state, due to the lack of visions on the pitch. A young midfielder, nonetheless. Taider plays very maturely for his age I believe that he could have a bright future at Inter. I sure hope so anyhow.

Juventus next week… Never say Never… said Justin Bieber.