Di Marzio: “If Sagna leaves Premier League it could be for Inter”

In the program Speciale Calciomercato on Sky Sport the transfer expert Gianluca Di Marzio revealed the latest on the transfer market with regard to the coming summer. He started with Arsenal’s Bacary Sagna: “The player is currently evaluating possible solutions for his future. He has three options: the first is a contract extension with the Gunners, then there’s Liverpool and Inter, the latter is expecting a response within the next few days. In the event that he decides not to continue in the Premier League, Inter has a chance to be successful in the pursuit of the Frenchman.”

The new name for Inter is Carlos Andrade Souza: “Inter is looking for new wingers in the summer’s transfer market and the new name in this respect leads to Fluminense, where this player born in 1987 plays and has a contract that expires in December of this year.”

Source: fcinternews.it