FcIN: Mudingayi leaves Inter, several clubs wants his signature..

It’s two months left on Inter’s french-belgian 33-year old midfielder Gaby Mudingayi’s contract who will leave Milan when the contract expires. But his career will probably continue, according to our partners at FcInterNews.it are there many italian clubs who wants him, as Palermo (who probably will win Serie B), they have mentioned during the last few days that they need to strengthen up the team in the upcoming transfer window, but there are also Genoa, Chievo (if they don’t get relegated) and Sampdoria.

Both Preziosi’s and Garrone’s club could be very interested in the former Bologna player for the summers mercato, since they tried to get him on a loan already in January, but Mazzarri didn’t want him to leave because he saw him a good squad player if someone would get an injury. But the interest in Gaby doesn’t just stay inside of Italy, the German club Eintracht and the Scottish, Glasgow Celtics have also their eyes on him.

Source: fcinternews.it