271 minutes since Chievo last celebrated a goal at home

The Gialloblu haven’t found the net at home since Luca Rigoni scored in the 89th minute of Chievo 3-0 Bologna on 26 March. The remaining three minutes of that game were followed by three 0-1 defeats to Verona, Sassuolo and Torino, which means that it’s now 271 minutes since Chievo last scored at home.

Goals hard to come by

Chievo – along with Sassuolo – are one of two teams in Serie A with the lowest number of different goalscorers. Bentivoglio, Cesar, Dainelli, Lazarevic, Paloschi, Pellissier, Rigoni, Sardo and Thereau are the nine players to have found the net for the Gialloblu this season.

No draws in last 16 league games

Chievo haven’t drawn a match since 25 January when they came away from Napoli with a 1-1. They have won five and lost 11 since then.

Paloschi – record breaker

Alberto Paloschi’s hat-trick at Livorno on 13 April brought him to 13 league goals this season. This marks his best return for a season (beating his previous record of 12 for Parma in Serie B 2008/09) and he also equalled Marazzina (2001/02) and Pellissier’s (2005/06 and 2008/09) tally of 13 for Chievo in a Serie A campaign.

Suspended Palacio will be missed

Rodrigo Palacio has been ever-present this season – along with goalkeepers Curci, Padelli and Rafael – making 37 appearances out of 37. His ban today will see him miss the chance to feature in every league this term. He, along with Udinese’s Di Natale, he has earned the most points for his club, contributing 20 to Inter’s cause.

Only three other Inter sides have drawn more matches than the 2013/14 squad

Mazarri’s Inter are this season’s draw specialists, having recorded 15 in 37 matches. Only three Nerazzurri sides of the past can better that in Serie A. 18 is the record, set in the 2004/05 season, while Inter ended the 1991/92 and 1978/79 seasons with 16 in the draw column.

Source: Inter.it