The young striker Federico Bonazzoli, one of the top performers in today’s game, answered a few questions asked by journalists in the mixed zone:

What do you think of the game? You are experiencing the first team more and more closely, today you scored a brace. How are you settling in?

“Well, right now we can say that everything is going well. I have to thank Mazzarri for giving me the opportunity to come here and help the team, together with all the technical staff who are helping me. Every day that I am here makes me very proud because wearing this shirt is what I dreamt of since I was a kid, and with the support I am getting everything is going fine”.

Are you looking to spend the pre-season here and then play with continuity in another club, or would it be better to stay here even if it means playing very little?

“Right now I honestly don’t know what the future holds for me. I am thinking of performing well when Mazzarri, and I know that I am still a part of the Primavera team as well. I am available, I don’t know what will happen: I’m just focusing on working hard and playing well, it doesn’t matter for how many minutes”.

FcIN asks: How much do you learn by playing together with someone like Icardi?

“A lot, when I saw that I was playing with him I told myself that I just had to learn things. Mauro is amazing on the pitch, and off the pitch as well because he has helped me a lot. He gives me advice, he explains how to move on the pitch, I am happy to play with him. It is something to be proud of and he is an example to follow”.

What do you think of Ranocchia wearing the captain’s armband? After every goal he congratulated the scorer, what do you think he can add to the team?

“Mazzarri hands out the armband, if he gave it to Andrea then there is a reason for that.  He did congratulate me after my goals, and to recieve praise from a great player feels very good when you are young like me”.
