jonathan pinzolo2

In an interview conducted by “SkySport” in the United States, Jonathan spoke about the new position that Mazzarri used him, the nickname “Divine” and the game against Real Madrid. Here are his words:

The game against Madrid – “I think it was an important game against a great team who attacked us from all directions. We are a team that is still being completed and is only now experiencing positive results. A game won at this level allows us to move forward. It gives us morale moving ahead against Manchester United, who is a strong team. We are working hard with the hope to reach the fitness in a short period of time for the August 21st when the games count.” (Europa League game)

On the new position – “I don’t know the reason for the choice, but when Mazzarri asked me if I was available to play in the inside midfield I immediately said okay, but I still prefer to play on the outside. The coach and I always talk so that I may understand how I may improve. If the coach requires me in this new role permanently then I will be there because the coach gives me confidence.”

On the nickname ‘Divine’ – “I did not expect this but I do not care. I prefer to be called Johnny or Jonathan simply because they are not divine. However, I am very happy for the affection of the fans.”
