Editorial – on a mission

The best feeling in the world. Standing there in front of the bag, deciding on what to bring with you on the trip to holy ground on Sunday.

Church you say? No, although it really would please my grandmother if in fact my religious experience on Sunday did involve a trip to church with her but I do my praying elsewhere. As for so many other fans following Inter from abroad every trip to the Giuseppe Meazza means days of anticipation, planning and joy. No matter how many times I go my heart still skips a beat when that beautiful stadium first comes into sight.

Seeing how the season has taken a difficult turn I asked my boss if we could maybe post a few religious posters in the office, so as to lift the mood. Because well when Inter lose, my co-workers suffer. But apparently a poster of God (Mourinho) was offensive to the gobbo in the office and we decided that this shall be a secular zone.

Which is fine I guess, since it is the Swedish way. And there is no way to bring down the mood when I know that I’ll be on a plane to Milan early Friday morning. As an added bonus I won’t just be going to watch the game with a bunch of crazy swedes and my co-writers at sempreinter.com, we’ll also be following Alessandro Villa and the others from Inter Channel up close. We’ll see the preparation before the game, see the players and hopefully watch the game with the legendary voice of Inter Channel Roberto Scarpini. If all goes well we’ll be able to get a few interviews from players and also give you a look behind the scenes at Inter Channel.

Dear readers do you have any questions you’d like me to forward to the guys?

Oh and about the whole secular zone thing. Screw it. I am wearing an Inter item every day at work in between meetings.

Forza Inter.