The Gazzetta dello Sports dedicated a page today for what happened between Icardi and Osvaldo during yesterday’s game against Juventus, in the 86th minute when Icardi was running with the ball on a three Juventus players and decided to shoot instead of passing the ball to the free-wanna-be-one-on-one Osvaldo which resulted in the anger of the latter, and running towards the young striker insulting him, Only Guarin stood between the two Argentines to absorb the situation.
The anger between both players didn’t go with the final whistle as Osvaldo was seen running towards the tunnel after the game where another discussion took place, but after all the two are clear and reconciled but Osvaldo is going to face a heavy fine, it’s also important to mention that Osvaldo’s wife also insulted Icardi through twitter saying:
“Vaffa Icardi, you are selfish, you could have won if you just passed it to Daniel.”