Curva Nord: “We will not protest, we will celebrate the Interisti”

Earlier today it was rumoured that the Curva Nord would protest against the club at their party this weekend. The Curva itself released an official statement on their website blasting media and also other supporters:

“Even though we know about the fantasies of sport-journalists, that each year, when the season is over, start to trick the average supporter(who 9/10 times never put his foot at the stadium) with confusing articles or news reports that don’t deserve our attention, we feel that we have to deny the inventions of Sportmediaset about a possible protest against the club during the Curva Nord Party this Saturday at the Meazza.

The Curva Nord party is and will always be an occasion to praise THE INTERISTI:
The real Interisti.
Those who don’t care about rain, snow, or sun, or what specific player that is wearing OUR shirt, and keeps buying season passes.
Those who always give eternal love to Inter, always, forever and everywhere.

And seeing how considering how bans, cards and big costs in these times have made presence at the stadium a thing for heroes, it is very important for us to celebrate all these heroes, from all the sections of the stadium. It’s important for us to celebrate all the historical families who despite supporter-cards and the Italian state who is trying to move them from the stadium with bans against the Ultras, keep visiting the stadiums all over Italy.

This is what we are concentrated on doing in these days before the party.
This, and mostly how we make the kids present, the protagonists of what will be, as always, a great party.

(And please, stop talking nonsense about the Curva Nord)


For those who are scared, whose lives are all about the mercato, who are reading and listening to all the bullshit that is thrown out there from former players and people who suddenly think they are experts, we recommend that you come to the party of the Curva on Saturday to drink a beer in good company and to relax. Let those who are supposed to work, work.

We need to be supporters.
By actions, in real life.
Enough with the bullshit.
Lets celebrate the real Interisti.

We expect you on Saturday.
Curva Nord Milano 1969.


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