Inter have been making great strides to acquire Wolfsburg winger Ivan Perisic. Il Corriere della Sera reports that the deal will be completed by Wednesday, and the player will arrive in Milan to complete the signatures.
Inter have been making great strides to acquire Wolfsburg winger Ivan Perisic. Il Corriere della Sera reports that the deal will be completed by Wednesday, and the player will arrive in Milan to complete the signatures.
I read today that Wolfsburg’s director isn’t willing to sell Perisic to Inter. In the end we might lose Shaq and get nothing in return.
This bastard Mancini will destroy us!
Why everybody going fuzzy about this rumour?this is. just another rumour created by media,shaqiri still at brunico training up till now,remember kova news?
Nope, this one looks really serious dude, Di Marzio posted several news about this transfer rumor just in a week ago
Yeah,i hope this just like another b.s,btw up till today i still watch shaq in brunico training & looklike he enjoy it much,they also said that perisic will arrive today but you can see,no one is coming
I think biabiany good player.. maybe.. hope him play well..
I had hopes for Shaqiri when we transferred to Inter, but he doesn’t suit the league and the way Mancini wants to play. If this team were too sacrifice possession for more direct-counter attacking play then fine, Shaqiri is an ideal fit because he’s quick and he can dribble, and the English and German leagues are exactly that, quick, direct attacking football. The Italian game is a much more tactical style, and Shaqiri being the one trick pony (maybe I’m exaggerating a bit) that he is got figured out fairly early on.
i always imagined shaq-perisic and jovetic play for the same team
Shaqiri, Santon and Podolski were players Mancini wanted and only one played(Santon) good in his system 433 or 4231 he wanted to play so he changed that to 4312 and there is place where Shaqiri was good on role of playmaker. He now wants 433 and have option to get players for this system and Mancini probably don’t see Shaqiri as wing but more as attacking midfielder so he does not need him in 433 formation. Mancini must sell someone and it will be Shaqiri and better this then 20mil player warming bench. Now with this sell he will get two wing he wants and see in his system. Plus they won’t sell Kovačić i guess.
Plus Shaqiri is player that does not want to go and help defenders but he stays in attack when Perišić run non-stop and is helping defenders. It’s not soo fast and good in attack as Shaqiri but can play with both legs, can play all position in attack, he is returning and helping in defence, he is good in air and can be wide target man. Salah/Jovetić and Shaqiri cannot play in same team because they are similar players and too many player would stay in attack and defense would be too weak with all of them on field on same time. Oh and both Salah and Jovetić are better players then Shaqiri and price shows that.
Price it’s not so different.Shaq,Jovetic and Salah all cost around 20 milion..
Perišić cost 15, Shaqiri 16, Jovetić 25 and Salah 20. Jovetić if he have luck and don’t get injured so often he would cost over 30mil.
I don’t think Jovetic cost 25 milion right now.Most 20.
Who ever come they need to play with thier heart and give everything for inter so that we can be the best again and shut the mouth of juve fans.
Wolfsburg ‘won’t sell Perisic’
If Perisic not for sale then Shaqiri won’t go. Hahahahhahahaha. 😀
I like this.Don’t sell Wolf.
they said: “we dont need or want to sell our players but player wants transfer so we let him go if you give us the money”
this is a classic “raise your offer or gtfo” method, i hope Inter won’t fall for it. 20m is already too much for him
Even Perisic not join , Shaq must leave , we will find another winger instead. Mancini will not use him.
Shaq must stay at any cost!
i think too many people watch youtube on this forum lol
Yes for Perisic 😀
i watched perisic in wolfsburg and in national team…and i know what player he is…and you already judge him whitout giving him a chance…but he will change your mind 😉
Yes he is not a bad player at all.But he didn’t cost 20 milion.And Shaqiri is better player than him..
we will see…time will show…shaq in 6 months ininter score 1 goal and had 2 assists…if perisic comes we will se his stats on a new year…if perisic had had same stats as shaqiri i will say that shaqiri is better…and i will say that you are right and im stupid…and if perisic have better stats of shaqiri you dont have to say anything…i will say i told you so
I just think how hypocritical people have in this forum.Before 6 months everyone want Shaq to join our team and he make some sacrifice for this.Now when he is in bad period everyone refuse him.What a shame.
please i watch this clown for 6 months and just like podolski,like forlan they did nothing we need better. What are you Shaq’s agent??
Clowns are Hernanes,Guarin,Ranocchia,Nagatomo,Mancini,not Shaqiri..
guaro,ranno,lord nagatomo ok..but hernanes????dude never go full retard!
So we spend 20 milion for him and what he done?Nothing and he is 30 year old..
sure he is 30 years old…but he played well second part of season…did you watched inter games or just trolling around?
Yes he played well,but we must to sell him.This is a last chance to receive some money from him.
Not much of a sacrifice for Shaq going from the Bayern bench to Inter? He had all to win and nothing to lose. I won’t mind keeping Shaq, but its not like he has blown me away with his performances either. If we can get Perisic, fine by me. Some players you want to keep at all cost, but for me, Shaq is not one of them.
yup,he had it all and didnt show anything…anything
bla bla bla.Hypocrate..
If I am not wrong he only score once . Forget him please, if you are Shaq fans , you should let him leave . He must not in the starting line up even can stay. That’s not good for him
He is one of the best our players.Why don’t be in the starting line up?
Is Perisic really better than Shaqiri? i havnt seen enough from perisic to deside.
however Shaqiri i know can reach an amazing leven
please tell me how you know are you a fortune teller?
Shaq has the potential to exceed him but Perisic is better and more effective at the moment.
I don’t think so.Shaq always be a better player.Youger,more talented and have charisma.Perisic is not bad player,i prefer to have both players..
tell me one good thing that stand out from last year Shaq did? please because nothing comes to mind
He played decently epescialy in first matches.I don’t think he played that bad.He deserve second chance.So much shit players received second chance in last years…
No he didnt do well in mancini system 4231 he wants to play now. He was good later in 4312.
Guarin has been shit for 2 years yet we are still keeping him, but shaqiri has to leave after 6 “bad” months?
Exactly right but there’s no point why we should replace shaki (a better player) for perisic while paying more than we need to.
Perisic is exactly inter stuff. he’s hardworker, two-footed who can play both sides, passionate, highest tactical ability possible. and a croatian crew can make kova feel home. so what do you want more from a player?
less money? I dont mind to see him if Shaq go, but with less money than what we get from Shaq
Stop writing bulshits,gipsy!
Only know this stupid gipsy!
Just let that retard be. He is obviously trolling and you are feeding him 😛
Why we always making the same mistake every year? Shaq gone, kova gone… who else? whats next? GEEZ!
kova gone!? when? 🙂
Perisic is a great player and will shine for Inter, he is the type of a player Inter need desperately
all those stupid kova hashtags now when inter is about to sell an actual great player like shaq we say nothing…… absolutely gutted we’re selling him…..
#savekova #savesanton #noibra they think it’s career mode
we sell him because he is not that good thats why. stop looking at youtube clips of him, everyone looks good on youtube.
I don’t think Shaq is a talent player . Dont care he leaves or not.
he is a talented player but maybe the opportunity to get 2 player that have the same or even better quality than him(perisic and jojo or salah) to improve our team even more, make this transfer happen.. so i don’t have any complain about this transfer.. i’m happy because this is the best mercato in 5 years..
finally someone who looks with eyes open!!
can someone tell me what Shaq did for us last season? i am over all these players that we speculate about being good for us yet produced nothing. Shaq sat on the bench and really didn’t impress that much when he did play. Obviously Mancini knows who will fit the team and perisic fits the bill.
How Mancini knows Perisic would fit the “bill” as you just said when 6 months ago he has wanted Shaq like he wants Perisic now?
so lets kick mancio’s ass…
I did not say that
because obviously they have studied his game its not a blind auction is it???
Shaq did nothing to impress last year, why we hold him for?
One is sure. Shaqiri was not that good on wing when we played 4231 when Perišić plays that in Wolfsburg and it is one of best players.
Players lika Nagatomo,Guarin,Ranocchia,Hernanes and other shit players stay at Inter so many years and done nothing for team,but Shaq only after 6 months he will leave.And he played decently in these 6 months.He deserve second chance.We will regret if selling him.I am sure!
Mate you comment is shit. all the players you mention are rubbish except hernanes but we need a winger none of them are wingers so think before you write
Are you high?I write about Shaq deserve second chance,because we have 423432 chances to player like Guarin,Nagatomo,Ranocchia.Hernanes also are fail,after year and half he did’t nothing.
this is the first season we are actually spending money lets not talk about the past few years we have had a shoe string budget. i think you will see a lot of these players disappear over the coming 6 months. I wouldn’t be too concerned, Shaq is not as good as perisic anyway this is a good deal each way
Shaq is more talented and younger than Perisic.Croatian is good,but nothing special and he didn’t cost 20 milion.We will regret for sale Shaqiri.Mark my words…
Perisic is not worth more The 10 milions. And to force away shakiri is a big misstake and selling him for less then what we buy perisic is eventuellt more stupid.
Fucking perisic odjebi od intera niko te ne zeli ovdje, said something on croatian so you guys can see that not even his cuntry fellow man doesnt like him. If wolfsburg dump him on us for 20 million we look like that kid on the school yard everyone is bullying and using for homework assingment. Fucking perisic piece of fucking wood.
I dont really know who wrote this. but I am from Croatia and I can tell you Perisic is very much liked here and my opinion is that he’ll be great at Inter
one time, I can see Mancini as a complete genius, another time, I see hime very confused with his own ideas.
Mancini genius?What the fuck?He is complete looser as a coach!
I would welcome him with open arms:D now bring in Jovetic
BAD NEWS GUYS!! Sterling to city! It will be a goodbye for kova now… doubt
Have no worries. His stay is guaranteed
Kovacic is not a winger…
It’s sad that we cant give proper treatment to shaqiri, I am sure Mancini didnt want to sell him either. But unfortunately we have to sell, and shaqiri (and also santon) happened to have a lot of admires, thus we are forced to sell them to gain some capital to balance the book. Lets hope that mancini and ausilio know what they are doing.
Seems like mancini really wants perisic and we can only have him with outright cash formula, thus we need fresh money and reluctantly let shaqiri go and replace him with a player who could be brought with “inter formula” that is why we are targetting salah and jovetic.
salah and jovetic can’t both come due to the no-EU rules.
I think that non EU players rule apply only to full transfers and not to loans. So, if we could loan Salah and buy Jovetic, it should be ok.
I’m not sure about this, it would be nice if someone could confirm.
Nope, a loaned non eu player counts. Even a player we lend to other club still count as our quota.
Sell Nagatomo, or Carrizo, or Taider who is back apparently.
that doesn’t make a difference. two non-EU spots are allowed in a transfer window. current players don’t make a difference .
I’m sure everyone is sad about Shaqiris departure but think about it, he won’t fit in Mancini’s formation next season and we always hear that shaq has a fatigue problem and he’s not ready. Plus its not like we losing shaq for someone like Biabiany, its Perisic we talking about, he plays better and takes the ball forward unlike shaq who always passed to the back and barely contributed anything. Players come and go but its always one Inter! Forza Raggazzi
I couldnt agree more my friend….Some fans couldnt just stop whining about this deal. Perisic is a skillful winger alot better than shaq
Who is Perisic?Did you watch Shaq with Swiss.He is playing on amazing level.So Mancini must find the right place for Shaq in the team.Shaq can be one of the best players in Serie A,Perisic only can be decent player or flop nothing more..
With Swiss.. Let’s see what happen in mercato, cause whether we like it or not. We should reduce the squad from 32 to 25. I will say Shaq is interesting to watch, since he is fast and explosive. He can show some good individual skills, but he will need time to adapt with Italian football that full with tactics. Meanwhile, Perisic (based on what I saw in Youtube) played like (more or less) Pandev under Mourinho.
If the target is to reach UCL spot. I will support the coach and management on the team selection. Since we gamble a lot of money on several player, and UCL revenue is a must. Hope all the best for Inter. Forza Inter!
did you watch perisic whit croatia??he is best player in almost last 2 years…and there is rakitic,modric,kova,mandzukic…and perisic is best scorer
and croatia even a better team than swiss.. 🙂
Take it easy guys. If Inter want to sell Shaq then so be it! What do you guys see in him? He is just an overrated player that happened to have a good world cup.
So what player is Perisic?
Perisic is a real winger as much as I saw of him but Shaq’s departure left an amaro taste in the mouth indeed but I hope it will be for the good of Inter after all, just that
This is kind of bittersweet move… I would rather have shaq and peresic playing together
Me too.. But it won’t happen.
I share the same view, moreover if we could have jovetic and then we’d have Jovetic as an Icardi/perisic backup and Biabiany as a shaq backup
I am with you guys, I like Shaquiri. But, It is time to get real here. Mancini don’t want Shakiri anymore? Well there must be a reason for that. This is not FIFA 15, this is real football where players attitudes and emotions count. So, if Mancini, who actually convinced Shaquiri to come to Inter, don’t want him in the team anymore, so be it. I keep hearing all the market annalist and sport commentators saying who much Shaquiri have dissapointed this year, no just the last 6 months at inter at Bayern he didn’t do well either. If 6 months ago somebody have told me that Inter would sign Perisic and Jovetic/Salah this summer I would have had cried tears of joy. So like you said, it is bittersweet, but let’s look forward. Inter management is putting together a very good team, let’s trust them.
Yeah you right.. And we must sell Kova..
If we play with good winger we must sell Midfield player.. Why if we play with winger we sell our winger to replace winger?? BIG JOKE..
thank god ur not in our management. u wanna sell kova and keep aging hernaners and guarin.
So do you.. Thank God..
I am trying to tell y’all Shaqiri is great player but Italian football doesn’t Suit him….i dont know if Perisic will be better than him or worse but is what the couch needs and i believe in Mancini….i just hope we get Jovetic and not Salah
How you believe in Mancio after terrible last season when he can’t develop a team and players and we even don’t quality in EL?
Are you really an Inter fan…before Mancini players were refusing to join Inter and now one call and we are getting better players…lat year was bad year…but am 100% behind mancio…mark my words and we will see each other here we will win something net year with mancini
i will start to have high hopes for next season as soon as i see that guaro and rano are sold or at least one of them is sold and the other is promoted to waterboy next to bench!
both of them refused a swap+money. the intent is there but it’s hard to convince a player to leave.
Especially rano. If guarin is just a rotation player, i don’t mind him staying.
Yes I am Inter fan and he can convince good players to join Inter,but after couple months he expel them.No fucking sense!
He cant insult players like Kondogbia…Miranda….Montoya ETC…Mancini brought inter the likes of Ibra..Viera…Deki…etc..lets not forget that
i am with you adil
They came for Inter u human being with no logic, just tell me who the fuck knew Mancini at that time, Ibra and Viera came from Juventus falling to Serie B, Deki from the serbian league and INTER is bigger than Mancini !!!
And tell me how Shaqiri is worse than them please ? But anyway in either scenario u disrespectful dudes here will whine all ur life that we sold Shaqiri when we see him doing great in some other club or u will bow to him if fortunately he stays at us this season.
Deki was coming from Lazio at that time 🙂 He played in Serie A since 1998
Okay then whatever i was mistake but still is not that Mancini persued that time a top player from Real or Manchester to come to Inter he just took a player from an average team like Lazio. Not that big deal anyway.
For this case i agree with you, mancini dont have any respect for shaqiri. If the reason is money nonsense, we sell shaq 15 – 17 mil and get perisic for 20 mil. If the reason is number of player, thats not make any sense either.
We should sell player like gurin, rano, naga, vidic, first..
That doesn’t means nothing, because convincing players is not main coach’s job. For that purpose there’s sporting directors like Ausilio and if that’s what Mancini is good, then better to look for that kind of job. His job is to train, prepare and develop the team. And for now he’s failing miserably in that.
At least with Mazzari we got EL
and with mancini we alredy have 7 thropies.. 🙂
But 7 thropies now useless if we not get to EL, or even CL 🙂
he came in very bad times.. the fact that he accept our offer was make me gratefull because tbh we’re kinda broke.. even mou refuse us.. and i’m happy that we don’t play in europe, that’s give us a chance to rebuilt our team, without to much concern about ffp.. we can ballance our finance nect season if we qualifies for europe..
Hey dude I’m not a big fan of Mancio but you know it is not so fair this kind of judgment about him imo, cuz He was not here for a whole season he had just half of it and dont forget about the mess that Mazzarri brought to this team, I say lets wait for the coming season to see what Mancio can do for us which I will pray it will be positive
And Shaqiri had even less time, how about that ???
Yeah I got u and me myself is one of those who dont want to see Shaq leaves but I just wanted to be fair enough about Mancio from a whole perspective in that comment
It’s just that we can’t give up on players like Shaqiri this easy regardless that he hasn’t shown his self yet. 6 months is just too quick, i just can’t accept it tho if he leaves which looks to be very likely this will be one of my bitter tastes from our silly management especially if Shaqiri goes to be a top player and prove us wrong.
Yeah, the exact feelings here
So does Shaqiri.. Thats you mean Mate??
No..I also want to see Shaq in Appiano still but I just said we should consider anyone a proper time so finally after that everyone can evaluate anyone with an open mind and eyes
JOVETIC??? Sure lets pay someone who will probably be injured most of his time here at inter….. perisic and shaqiri on the wing would be crazy good.. and biabiany with another winger on the bench.
How you know he will be Injured?
From the time and experience brother
Did you say same for Sneijder and Robben and Motta? All of them were injury prone before but in new club they become one of the key players.
It reminds me on Sneidjer. He got injured often, but become a key player every time he played for inter. Let’s see what happens.
I didn’t get you at all..
Do you have issues of yourself, or do you feels you’re professional analyst? Or maybe you’re trying to sell your ideas in every news about shaq..
I think you’re very wrong when it comes to valued things.
Everybody has the right to be wrong in their own opinions…i respect if you like shaqiri at inter ..however i have different opinion i think Shaqiri is great player but he is not fit into inter’s plans or italian football… do i think Perisic will be better player? i don’t know that remains to be Sean
In the first Mancio think Kova is not fit into Inter’s plans.. I just confused with Mancio brain..
You definitely have issues of yourself of being respect of other people opinion.
You can always refute someone else’s statements without losing good manners, can’t you? 🙂
thank you… It’s not the time to speak like a duke…
Shaq and Perisic are different kind of players, so it’s silly to compare them. Shaq is more athletic, while Perisic is much smarter.
Btw, I like Perisic and I’m sure he’ll be much more useful than Shaq for us.
I think he will be big flop for our squad..
you are big flop of this page, jubeshit!
You are pathetic looser!
When I saw Perisic, somehow he reminds me on Pandev.
But he’s much better.
Perisic? Maybe yes. If he come, I hope the training camp will help him to settle .
imo i think perisic is not a replacement for shaq. he is just needed for the wings. and moreover he is brilliant.
shaq will be replaced by jojo or salah. the last two can be used in more different positions (support striker and winger) and will therefore be a better fit for mancini and his tactics. the proof seems to lie in the training match on saturday, where mancini used a 4312. this indicates he will use 4312 and 433/4231. shaq does not work with 4312, thus salah and jovetic are preferred. there is no doubt in shaqiris quality its just up to tactical reasons, i think.
that’s where Джокерфен and the bunch of idiots down below don’t understand. players come and go. ibra went to barca and stayed a season than went away. do you think guardiola didn’t hand pick him?!!!! mancini was under huge pressure to get a top 3 finish and he had tried his best. of course he is bound to make a mistake or two, he had a few weeks to figure out everything. and he shouldn’t be judged by that. the whole jan window is a failure imo.
spot on. i have the same thoughts.
the important part now is just to assemble a good squad and get to work as fast as possible. inter seems intent to do this also, with the activity presented thus far. I’m hopeful 🙂 forza mancini
i have no problems in selling shaqiri to raise fund…we have to sacrifice big player…but why we are buying perisic for 20mln when this sum of money for him is ridicoulas…his actual price is a lot less than that…also check all the players that were bought for 20mlns.. he is nowhere near their class!
he is an important part of their squad you know. we need a high price to tempt them to sell. price are now inflated. i’d say he’s worth 15m.
they have schurle who played on same position as perisic and is also younger than him
schurle didn’t really hold a starting role. perisic is a very big part of their attack . but the player’s choice can influence the price. Amala 🙂
i dont care so much actually i just think that financially we are getting worst.. and i dont see sun in the horizon after noone wants to leave inter bench!
Fcinter1908 reported that thohir is pushing players into leaving. players that refused to leave will not go to the china tour and be given time to contemplate about their tranfer.
Shaqiri is amaizing in Swiss as atacking midfielder.So we can us him there.Perisic is only winger with limited qualities.He is decent player,but nothing more.
there is 0% doubt that perisic is better and more useful than shaq
Next joke,gipsy!
you’re an idiot.
Another Mancio retard!
i’m not a mancio retard, i think logically and i don’t get my emotions and love for a player on the way of my love for inter.
Stfu… Stop calling other interistis like that scumbag!
Can’t wait for you to kiss Perisic’s ass when he becomes our best player next season.
xaxaxax good joke..
Legendo po imenu vidim da si balkanac ali ako je perisic materijal za najboljeg igraca intera onda je stvarno neznam zasto pratim ove transfere na dnevnoj bazi i molim se da se dovede kvalitetan igrac zvucnog imena a ne jebeni perisic koji nema ni udarac ni ubac ni tehniku hrvat sam ali to neznaci da cu ih branit ako su drva … mogu onda slobodno i ivana strinica dovest za lijevog beka pa da svi skupa idemo u pizdu materinu na 16 ili 17 mjesto na tabeli
Ma samo zajebavam ovog panja sta sere po Perisicu a vidim da nema pojma. Ne mislim ni ja da ce Perisic biti nas najbolji igrac pored Icardija ali da ce biti utjecajniji na krilu od Palacia ili Shaqirija koji je podbacio, to sigurno hoce. Perisic je solidan dribler, zna s obje noge i pametan je, zna slozit akciju. To nam fali.
waiting for that too, just like i did to branca guys.. hahahaha.. but i don’t realy care about these bunch of plastic fan who always whine just to look smart. they look like madrid fan. what matter for me is the club made a clear intention to strenghten our team.. from staf to squad, we made major chance this season.. i hope we can achieve cl this season..
U so funny 😀
I would rather consider your comment than other anonymous here, since you’re one of a few fans that having good track record at giving well balanced ideas in this site..
Anyway, i can’t tell if i agree with you or not. The potential is there, but the prove not yet available, we can see if in 15 games he can contribute or not..
But… I have 50% doubt your opinion about to happen on the pitch like what shaq did in his 1st 15 game..
One thing that is 100% sure is that Perisic doesn’t worth 20 million. Anything else is speculation and personal opinion!
say another player on his level who we can buy for 20M
Feghouli, gokhan tore, keita balde
Felipe anderson (?)
they cant kiss perisic’s ass
anderson at least 30m
Perišić was best Croatian player in Brazil WC and it is now in qualification for Euro. Along side Modric, Mandzukic, Kovačić, Rakitić etc Perišić is one that is pushing Croatia forward.
Shaqiri and he barely cost us 18 millions 😉 I really wanna see this godlike player u are considering Perisic to be, he’s good but u are overrating him way too much.
It is. He runs non-stop he is hard working player, he can shoot with both foots when Shaqiri is heavy left footed player, Perišić loves to return in defence, he is stronger and is good in air plus can play all position in attack. He does not waste ball so oftel like Shaqiri. Shaqiri is more skilled and maybe have better technique but Perišić also have his good sides.
after selling shaq we pay to bayern and buy this perisic. it doesnt make any sense and he needs to learn italian football style. i hope those rumours aren’t true if we but perisic we can keep shaq aswell
shut up with shaqiri is better bullshit already. the coach want perisic. he is the one coaching not you…. do you want the club to please you or mancini. because you nerds seem to know more football than he is.
mancini is the one that wanted poldi not salah in the winter even that salah signature was secured, he wanted shaqiri and santon too…now he wants all of them out?? so be ready for intense winter mercato after first half of the season!
that whole transfer window was a failure.
So whose fault was it?
overyones actually. mancini came mid season where thohir wanted a top 3 finish and while ausilio worked to bring players in. in a matter of few weeks we had to buy wingers and full backs…. it was rushed and unrealistic target from thohir . the blame doesn’t fully lay on mancini.
mancini came in inter one month before the mid-season.
more or less the same. it was a really hard situation he was put it.
I am agree with u.
that’s one of the things mancini can’t be blamed for 😛
no one knows which player will work out, even Kondogbia can be a flop…
Probably, but you can’t give up on a player, after just six months if you’re serious coach. Especially when rate in price Shaqiri lower than Perisic, when most people doesn’t see some serious improvement in that move. And if you can’t accept part of responsibility for transfer market decisions, you don’t have the right to insist on concrete names.
I am agree with Khan.. If we throw back the situation, Mancini is trying to make an instant result with the available option.
Shaqiri is not the first player in Bayern, and somehow he didn’t got a trust from Pep. Podolski got the same treatment, he is a bench player and only shine in national team. Santon, most of the time he got injury problem in Newcastle. He is good in defends, but lack the offense skills.
These players is the option that we got in winter mercato. Also, Thohir wanted the 3 place as the important target to revenue in a quick manners. It think the situation is the key factor for winter mercato. Like what Khan said in this comment.
Overall, I would say that Brozovic is the good signing since I think he is adapt faster than anyone else. Hope he will provide something this seasons. Hope all the best for Inter! Forza Inter!
Mancini is shit coach!
ASSHOLE is back
Eat shit south american gipsy!
You’ve got some serious issues mate. I feel sorry for you…
He starts first to insults..
are you shaq fan? or maybe mazzari fan? or maybe you just jubeshit fan? fuck you!
What a looser.I am Interista.You are gobbo di merda garbage!
really? fans of inter with bitching his mouth like you do? you are jube fan.
jeez, we can argue all day long but don’t call names!
after all, we’re all interisti
im from iran mr ASSHOLE
So you are african gipsy..
iran is not arabian bro.. :), and don’t try to be racist here.. we’re inter you know..
Dude, mind your words. If you did like Mancini, that’s fine. But please don’t swearing in every page of this site. Bring the argumentation to put in the debate, not swearing all around.
I write many times why i don’t like Mancini and why i think he is a weak coach,but you missed these posts from me.
I am sorry for my typo, it should be “didn’t” not “did”. Yes, I read it and understood. I just saying there is so much swearing words from you.
Mancini knows? look at all the winter mercatos, poldi is a complete failure, shaqiri and santon are on our top selling list. and brozovic is probably going to eat bench next season…..
Mancini called shaqiri and convinced him her just 6 month ago, now he is not fit to ‘the system’ any more.
Given these transfers, Mancini either dont have a clear idea about what kind of player he need, or he don know what kind of player shaqiri is before he arriving…
How can you be so sure that he knows perisic well? TO me these staff are just blind test of players who will work in his unclear system…
We are fucking broke at the moment, any wasteful deal may caused FFP sanction next year, and push Inter deeper in debt. We clearly dont want a parma nightmare.
If mancini do blind test and we could probably lost tens of million a year, then next year, say good bye to our talented icardi and kovacic, because we need to balance our financial book.
are you a coach ? did you win the premier league?
I am not a coach, I dont need to be a coach. I based on the fact. If you have any evidence/argument to against my opinion, say it. ‘You are not a coach’ argument is not convincing at all.
i’m not here to “argue” i have my opinion and you have yours. i’m sure a coach who came mid-season with an ambitious president pressuring to get a top 3 finish is bound to make a mistake or two. who are we to judge a coach if a player doesn’t fit his system. is ibra going to barca a failure…. players come and go.
Ibra to Barca was one of the best deals inter have ever made in the history of the club.
However, we still have to see how good a coach Mancini is without having unlimited resources. Both previously in Inter and in City, he may have had one of the biggest transfer budgets in the world, yet he have not won anything in europe, not even close.
Yet, i think he is the right manager for Inter, he have proven to make squads with winning mentality Domesticly, which is what we need right now. But can he do it with limited funds, thats the question.
yeah that’s a big question. but i’ve seen big improvements since he came. i hope it works out.
It is not like he made ‘a’ mistake or two among correct ones. The winter mercato is a complete failure. We splashed cash for shaqiri and santon, and then we urged to sell them after 6 months. I believe a great coach can make good use of the player he currently have especially those quality ones. Shaqiri is the key for swiss teams. he have the quality. It is just mancini dont know how to use him… We are not braca, we dont have money to splash like piece of cake. We are on the edge to receive FFP sanction. And we are deep in debt. We need to spend every penny wisely and avoid overspend.
Apparently kovacic is not fit Mancini’s system either, same as icardi in the first couple of months when Mancini comes. Just curious what is your position when we roumered to sell Kovacic?
it might be a complete failure but mancini hardly takes any blame tbh. mancini has said he wants to keep kovacic.
I dont agree with you that he took absolute no blame on winter mercato. Players are what he wanted and he even picked poldi, shaqiri over salah…. He wanted shaqiri, he called him and convinced him to give up liverpool. It is a 18 million deal for broken inter….
My whole point was that he lacks of paitent to players. Another reason to against the sell is that I dont see quailty difference between shaqiri and perscic..
Anyway, right now, for me, the only acceptable reason to sell shaqiri is ‘he did not respect Mancini’s decision during last season, or he osvaldo mancini in some ways’. This might be true, because he disappeared from starting 11 all of a sudden.
On another note, I think it is smart for Mancini to say he wants to keep kova even if he dont, Kovacic is fan’s favorite. board and Mancini are not stupid. they dont want to take fan’s fierce criticism by selling kova. only Kova and Icardi are unsellable from the fan.
On winter mercato, I think thats due the available option that we have. Shaqiri and Podolski is a bench player in their previous club. Santon got a long injury problem and somehow the coach is not playing him even he return from his injury. In my opinion, the decent signing is Brozovic.
If I am not mistaken, Mancini got the same demands to reach the UCL or EL spot, in order to keep the finance balance. It leads to the winter mercato behavior of the coach and the management.
However, I believe Shaq have a talent, he just need a time. But, if we should sell him for technical reason, then it is fine for me. In case for Kova, I think the coach really need him. Since his main ability is in the vision and dribbling skills. He is the one who will bring the ball forward in counter attack situation or the one who can distribute to the two winger that we got. Therefore, the compactness of the attacking department is a must.
Let’s hope all the best for Inter. Forza Inter!
base on the fact!? okay a gave the fact..
1. 90% of our player last season has to play with almost brand new system in the second half of competition, that’s make it hard to adjust..
2. major signing!? none of our signing is playing regular in their previus team(only brozo did).. so why we loan them all!? because that’s what availlable in that mercato..
3.i’m not a fan of mancini, i’m a fan of inter.. as inter fan i still remember how he found maicon, get cambiaso(who was a bench warmer in madrid), and many more.. so i trust him in his eyes for good player..
4. the fact that he already gave 7 thropies for us in the past, made him deserve our respect and trust.. even if he fail this season we should release him with respect, because we’re a team with class not like madrid..
Point by point
1. in the case of fitting new system. Then shaqiri’s performance should not be judged so early either?
2. Thats not major signing in winter? Thats ALL signing that mancini required during winter. Another fact is, he wanted poldi and shaqiri ahead of salah… Now, after 6 month, salah/perisic fits more to our system than shaqiri……. We did not LOAN them all, we only loaned poldi… all other signings are purchase with several installments.
3. I dont say he is blind to player’s quality. Actually shaqiri has the quality. I am against the idea of blind test of players ‘fitting’ to his unclear system, I think he should work a bit more to fully ultilize player we have, especially quality ones like kovacic, shaqiri … we are not premier league teams, or barca/madrid, we dont have much money to waste.
4: I trusted mancini, but looking at the past 7-8 months, I think he had been spoiled by those premier league/turky league rich bastard…. Buy the player he want, and never worry about funding…. That is not a coach with long term plan….. Mancini can be resigned, And inter will be the one suffer debt and FFP sanction…. I love inter, I just dont want inter to broke like fucking parma.
1. in shaqiri case, actualy he was in mancini plan, but the opportunity to sign perisic and salah(or jojo) is too good to be miss.. we gave up one quality player for two quality player.. that’s a good mercato for me.. people would say why don’t sell naga,guarin, or rano instead!? well first of all there is no club that make an offer for them, and if there are an offer they are not realy make money for us..
2. that’s right.. because we want to quickly wrap up our transfer so we choose the easiest player to sign.. which is shaqiri and poldi.. shaqiri was loan with the obligation to buy bro, and maybe this obligation to buy could be transfer to schalke this season.. who knows!? i’m find if shaqiri realy left us, as long as we got other talent in perisic and salah(or jojo). i’ve been following perisic for a while, since he play for dortmund, this guy is very talented player.. he’s been rank in top 100 player for his performance last year, and been the key player for his team.. even for croatia he is more important than kova…
3. okay i already answer about shaqiri for you in point number 2, he is indeed one of the most promising player, but some time we have to made a bitter decision for our future.. but overall this is the best mercato in 5 years.. we’re not a premier league team, but we have to try some thing this season, because if we continue to sink like this, our sponsor will left us one by one..
4. okay let’s be honest to our self, who is the coach that can win without money? even mourinho left us after the treble because he know we have nothing left to spent.. do you think why mou choose chelsea and not inter after madrid!? yeah because we broke.. tbh tohir one mou in the first place, but it won’t happen and we go for mancini.. i’m gratefull that he accept this ultra difficult mission.. and many manager and player respect him for what he achive as player and coach.. that’s why we can sign a good player again instead of the like taider or nagatomo.. and do you realize how much icardi improve after mancini come!?
Point by point
1. For me, signing salah/perisic, it is not like sacrifice shaqiri for another ‘Big’ name. We could just grab salah and done, still we have 2 quailty wide players. If we shaqiri for jojo, I can understand, because Mancini probably wants to change his system, and dont need any wide player. But sacrifice him for perisic is not what I can understand, unless the relation between shaq and mancini is not very well. I agree rest of your point. As I said, if we sell shaqiri just for money, I can understand. but we actually trun that money to perisic who is of a similar role and quailty to shaqiri…. Shaqiri have obvious quality, thats why he still worth 18M after eating bench here, he is key to swiss, irrespect of the performance in inter. He will still shine in national team. but what if perisic eat bench next season, how much did he worth? the 18 Million Euro will just getting smaller
2. I think in croatia persic is a role player… There attacks are started with Rakitic and Modric. Persic is very important and playing very well in crotia system, but he is still a role player. On the other hand shqiri is the key to swiss. he involves in most of their attacks. But in bayren he is a role player for sure.
4: we have already spent big this summer. Player we signed are very good indeed. But still Mancini needs to know and respect the current situation of inter. TBH, I like Mancini style of football, such good inter play I have been waiting for years. I really hope he will be our long term coach for inter. But i know he is not flawless either. In fact no one is perfect. Our manage need to realize this, and help mancini to make long term decisions.
1. perisic is different type of player and he is more versitile than shaqiri that’s for sure.. he can play striker, left midfield, right midfield, trequartista and even center midfield when we need one.. we still don’t sure what system mancini will use this season, but one think for sure if we can get salah(or jojo)+perisic, that’s would be an upgrade for our squad… lol how could you know he will be bench!? we not sign him in january transfer, so he have a lot of time to settle.. and most important think is he play regularly for his team.. so his mental side should be ready for the chalenge in serie a..
2. i don’t understand this “role player” thing.. maybe you mean hole player!? actualy perisic play almost everywhere last season.. and he was more than a hole player.. he is very creative with the pass, very good at the air, and have a very good shot too.. he is type of player that won’t hold the ball for too long, and always looking to pass the ball.. most importanly he is two footed player..
3. there is no point number 3 in your comments. 🙂
4. in this case you have to believe in thohir… he is not a die hart fan like moratti.. he is here for business for sure.. in the end ausillio, mancini and fassone know better then us about our financial status right!? so try to believe.. this is a new era..
1. If perisic can play shadow striker, then it make some sense to me. cause Mancini could probably switch his formation between 433 and 4312. Shaqirir can play left/right winger, tranquesta, but he has not been used to play second forward. I dont rate jojo tbh. too injure prone. based on his past seasons in city, he constantly spent half season in hospital. He is 26-7now, if we sign him, he will probably dont have any resell value if he suffers long-term injury…
2. role play is slight differ from key player. Key players carry a team, they kind irreplacable in a tactic system. Role players is easier to be replaced in a tactic system. Or on a other note, key player is more important than a role player in a team. In crotia, rakitic and modric will hold the ball and control the tempo. but in Holland, robben have the right and ability to initiate any attacks etc…
4. Thats why I am a bit worried as well. The inability of our management is a problem that held us back for a long term. When moratti is rich, it is fine. But when he is poor, things just turned drastically. Now thohir boost money in, but who the hell know he will have the patient and vision for a long term plan. God bless inter.
1. perisic can play shadow striker.. like i said before he can play almost everywhere in midfield and forward. jojo is second choice for us, in case we fail to get salah.. 26-27 is a golden age in football so i don’t see any problem there, the only problem is his injury prone.. but some player can get over it, so this is worth to try.. just like what happen to sneijder and robben for example..
2. okay is that what you mean, i can guaranty you he is an important player for croatia and wolfburg.. his work rate, and his abillity to cross, pass and shoot with both feet is and upgrade for us.. that’s why i don’t complain about this mercato.. if they replace shaqiri with some one like scheloto, then we should complain bro..:).. this mercato is too good to be miss, and we about to get two quality player not just one..
3. again you skip point number 3.. 😀
4. moratti was a different case bro.. he is a die hart fan, so he would do everything for the tittle.. thohir is non an inter fan before he bought inter.. he come for bussiness, so all his investment is to get more money for us.. he want to build an inter brand, not just a tittle.. so this mercato is to prove that to our sponsor that we still can get a star to play for us..mancini is the first coach he ever hire since his era, and this is his first real mercato for us.. why he took so long to make this move!? because he start from reorganize our management!? don’t you notice that he replace so many inter staff!? he try to build the bussiness foundation first before he make his move.. this show us how capable he is.. so we should welcome a new era of inter.. in the end we all want to reach the top again.. if look at mancini career as coach, you’ll realize he at least won 1 tittle for his team.. since the first club that he start as a coach(fiorentina) he never leave his team without at least one thropy.. so there is no reason for us to doubt his decision, in the end he know better than us, about what we realy need and if we can afford it or not.. have faith my friend, we are new inter now..
I skip points because it is well reasoned or it sort of combine with other questions. again,
4. For inter, city and gala that mancini coached, they all dominate in their league financially during mancini era. More spending powers, better players etc. But now we are not dominate the league financially, we may not offer mancio players with enough quality and quantity. We dont have enough resource for him to try bunch of players etc.
However I believe as you said thohir’s business man instinct, and I think he must know this. See how it goes. Thohir seems not some kind of soft boss like moratti who will spoil his employees. But he also dont have the love that moratti has towards inter. Mancini could be rage quit if management does not fufill his requirement, Thohir may rage sell inter/inter talents if he find it hard to turn inter into profitable condition. Either way will harm inter.
nice to have this discussion with you bro.. 🙂 yeah, but don’t forget he used to coach team like fiorentina and lazio too.. so i believe with his callculation.. for thohir he is doing very well right now.. he is working to make giuseppe meaza as our own stadium.. he hire a lot of profesional to help him in this bussiness, so we are heading to the right direction.. i’m sure we’re a bit bitter for shaqiri but inter is inter, player come and go.. we hire a coach, we have to give him the player that he want, not the player that the fan want.. because in the end it’s the coach that gonna use them.. in my opinion we fan has to keep united to keep cheering for the team and become source of extra power for the team to excel this season… forza inter!!!
nice to talk to you as well. I have mentioned in other posts that I am worried that Mancini might be spoiled. But anyway, his football is not bad.
Giving every single players coach want is a bit dangerous. Coach like players they coached who will listen to him and support him in locker room. Melo is an obvious example… I wont say he is as bad as most people here says, but he wont add significant quality or depth when you compare the like of borzo/guaro/taider, (needless to mention our quailty ones like kdog kova and medel….) .
Also, hiring coach with significant different tactic styles and give/sell players suit/not suit their tactic is also very dangerous (3 man def, 4 man def). It was absolute nightmare after 2010 when mou leave we hire 3 man defense coach. and after 4 years we still in-cable of competing a decent 3 man defence formation…. now when we switching back, we have 6-7 wing backs only 2-3 of them is capable of playing full back… It is just absolute nightmare…
Anyway, I dont see this as a Coach problem, it is rather a management problem.
we just die hard fans dude…
croatia is first in their group for europen championship,team is really strong….and the best player in last almost 2 years in croatia national team is perisic…best scorer,great passer and header…you guys will be suprised
After coach failed miserably and finished 8th with serious reinforcements like Shaqiri, Santon, Brozovic and that’s even worse that stubborn Mazzari with much more weak squad in transition achieve. Then you don’t have the choice anymore to insist on concrete names and numbers about transfer market. If he don’t like that, he’s free anytime to go.
Why is happening this? Shaqiri is better than Perisic, it’s so illogical sell him
and besides that we will be in even bigger debt after the deal!
He is different type of player. What one have other don’t.
I don’t want him.I want Shaq.He is much better.Sack this shit Mancini аlready!
dude i dont like mancini eather…he wan evertything whan he had unlimited founds…whan he was in inter he had monster team…and there was no game…but choaches evolve,grow…and mancini deserves another chance…sure i get it that you like shaqiri,but you couldnt be more wrong about perisic…much smarter player,he had cannon in both legs,good passer,header…and whats impotrant 2 he already knows kova and brozovic from nationale team and he will adapt fast…he is tall and strong winger,which mancini prefers..dont judge before he even played for inter..give him a chanse and judge in half or at the end of season