Guarin what?? Okay, I’m confused: Start rant…

To those saying Guarin wants to leave, so we should let him leave to Juve…
Gerrard wanted to leave to Chelsea…
Rooney wanted to leave (to Chelsea)…
Many other examples I simply don’t need, or have time to highlight.

*Takes a sip of tea, it’s okay, calm down, this is just another day in the life of an Interista…*

Did either of those clubs let that happen with their talisman, going to a rival club? No, right, and how are they doing now with those players who were going through emotional periods? Liverpool successfully transitioned and built a new team around Gerrard, and now, Utd are in a similar period to Inter, and are depending on Rooney…okay, so… What to do aye?

Sell for big money to reinvest in a young, top player…or simply keep, and use him to his potential. Build around him. He’s crazy, and that fits our Pazza Inter. We don’t have enough crazies anymore. Those who have moments of madness to match their passion. I get fed up with him at times, because I know what he’s capable of (in his preferred position…), but that’s miles away better from simply expecting mediocrity from a set of players that do not even have the capability to make me expect what I do from Guarin.

Listen, I know Guarin can be birdbrained and can have moments of madness, but just look at his statistics…they tell the story. Yes, his passing is below par at times, and he can give the ball away too often, but he still creates the kinds of chances that nobody else can with his direct, powerful style. And we simply do not have any replacement, or could we buy any similar replacement to someone of his calibre for a long time. All I’m saying is, we could be doing A LOT more with our most sought after player, Guarin, than simply receiving a 30 year old, over-the-hump Vucinic and peanuts worth of cash…and in doing so, letting our hottest name go to that unspeakable club, of all possible choices…I wonder how much of this was Fassone’s idea…I digress…

We need players like him right now. These kinds of players are the ones that young kids growing up, watching games, look at and fall in love with a club over.

Does Cannavaro-Carini ring a bell anyone? How about letting Seedorf or better yet, Pirlo go to Milan? How about Milan letting Pirlo go, only for Juve to capitalize and see the potential Milan didn’t? Too many of these kinds of deals in the past…Why we’re still repeating this things is beyond me. As we Iranians say in Farsi, “Dobare hamun aasho, hamun kaase.” Basically meaning; Same sh*t, different day…

Alright, I’d write more, because I need to vent, but I’ve got class work, work work, RA business, etc…and this is JUST the news I needed at this point…

PS: I’m not saying Vucinic cannot succeed for Inter, I’m saying that the price we’re paying for that is simply too high. Younger options, other teams Guarin can go to, more money we could invest, better moves marketing-wise, etc. A loan move for Vucinic wouldn’t faze me.

Back to work.

Agree? Disagree? Confused and need direction in life? Same. Let me know below.