Stevan Jovetic: “Premier League easier than Serie A”

In a long interview with Undici, Inter’s Stevan Jovetic spoke about a wide variety of subjects, starting with how he learned Italian: “I learnt it in school, I studied it for 3 years. Then I transfered to Belgrade and forgot a little bit. I didn’t have a teacher in Florence, I learned by speaking to people in the street.”

“As a kid I played for Yugoslavia and then for Serbia and Montenegro, and then for Montenegro in 2007. It wasn’t easy moving to Partizan as a 13 year old, I was a child and had just finished primary school. My dad asked me what I thought about their offer and I replied ‘what do you mean what do I think? I’m going!’ He was worried since he didn’t expect such a quick answer. In 2002 I was playing for the Yuguslav national team and there was always at least 10 players from Partizan because Partizan have always had a string academy. I had 4 great years there. Balkans is Europe’s Brazil? It’s not a secret that we’re very talented. We were before and we stil are today.”

In 2008 he transferred to Fiorentina depsite interest from more famous clubs: “I knew that I had made the right choice in going to Fiorentina. I arrived in a beautiful city, with fans who were great to me from the start. Then it wasn’t easy to come from the Serbian league to the Serie A, the level is much higher here. I struggled the first year despite playing 25 matches, my seond season went better where I scored 5 goals in the Champions League. My role at Fiorentina? I can play in all roles but I prefer playing close to the goal.” Jovetic speaks of his many idols such as Shevchenko, Savicevic, Mijatovic and Ronaldinho “who is the best player of all time because he changed football and invented a new way of playing”, but when it comes to himself and how he plays Jovetic is adamant: “I play my football, I don’t copy anyone.”

After Florence, he signed for Manchester City where he was faced with a lot of competition in attack: “I liek the Premier League, it’s much easier to play there than in Italy where there isn’t much space. With Pellegrini I had a normal relationship, we never argued. The only thing was that I deserved to play more, I thought that then and I think that still today. When I was fit he didn’t let me play, when I scored I was brought off after 60 minutes and this way it’s difficult to do more.”

At Inter he got the number 10 jersey, the historic shirt traditionally given to trequartisti but Jovetic isn’t one: “This role doesn’t exist anymore, so even though I play as an attacker I like going deep and getting the ball, making assists and creating chances. I’m sorry I had stopped scoring after 2 matches but I did make assists against Palermo, against Roma and we’re top of the league. It’s better than scoring 8 goals and being 8th in the league. I’m always looking to do my best and when I do it I’m sure that everyone is happy. I’ve started well but I have nothing to prove to anyone.”
