Via his official site on Facebook, Inter coach Roberto Mancini has released a statement in which he responds to accusations in today’s La Gazzetta dello Sport that he used the same kind of words as Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri used when speaking to one of their journalists:

“The statements I made after the match in Naples are simply in line with my history and my football culture. I don’t ask people to share my way of being in football, but I demand respect. At the moment they are building a polemic and they creating factions that shift attention from the real problem! For this reason I would like to add a point to this story, which has been subject to too many manipulations, not least that I, 15 years ago, used that same insult toward a journalist, which is not true: I have never used that term because it has never been part of my vocabulary. I reiterate my disappointment, but I would like to return now to focusing on or sporting goals and on the next match, fundamental for the rest of Inter’s season.”
