Rome based Il Corriere dello Sport have given further updates on Inter’s hunt of Eder, which might make the Nerazzurri lovers happy. There is a real probability of seeing the player in an Inter shirt for the Derby. Yesterday the player’s agent spoke to Leicester City, who are offering more money to Sampdoria (13 million euros) and the player (2.5-3 million euros per year). The agent  will return to Italy and made a decision with Sampdoria, however it seems as if the player has already to make a choice. Eder is convinced by Inter’s project and he wants ot play in the Champions League next season. Inter will get the player on loan for 2 million euros, with a redempion fee set at 10 million euros, which expires in 2017. Firday may be the player’s official presentation. Mancini made a decision to pursue a striker, and not a winger.

